Complex Migraine - Mayo Clinic News Network
2011年2月22日 · More than 28 million Americans — three times more women than men — suffer from migraine, a type of headache that's often severe. Although any head pain can be miserable, migraines are often disabling. With a "complex migraine" symptoms can include weakness, loss of vision, or difficulty speaking in addition to a headache – often mimicking […]
Seeing the Light Helps Parkinsonism Patient Walk
2012年3月8日 · It began with a headache in 2007. That was followed by weakness on his left side, a slight slurring of his speech and tremors. Doctors thought Wayne Puckett, then 42 and a father of five, had suffered a stroke. But over the next two years, the headaches persisted. Complicated migraine was the new diagnosis. But […]
Mayo Clinic Minute: Better-tolerated treatments for migraine pain
2022年9月14日 · It's more than a typical headache. Sometimes migraine headaches come with pain so intense they can interrupt day-to-day activities. The good news says Dr. Amaal Starling, a Mayo Clinic neurologist, is newer migraine headache treatment options are available that are more effective and better tolerated. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Managing migraine: What’s right for me?
2024年5月2日 · Migraine is common, especially in women. It's also hereditary. Migraine attacks can be triggered by multiple causes, from weather to wine. Some lifestyle changes and treatment options can help you manage the disease of migraine. Overall, migraine treatment consists of preventive and acute therapy. Preventive therapy is a medication people take ...
UTI: This common infection can be serious - Mayo Clinic News …
2024年1月12日 · A urinary tract infection (UTI) is common, but it can be serious. "Simple urinary tract infections can be managed by your primary care provider, but when they become complex leading to other issues or problems, you should seek the care of a specialist," says Dr. Mitchell Humphreys, a urologist at Mayo Clinic.
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Treatment options for migraine
2022年8月7日 · I'm wondering if any new advances have been made in migraine medications. ANSWER: Migraine is a common and potentially disabling disorder. Migraine attacks can cause severe throbbing head pain or pulsing sensations, as well as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. It is estimated that migraines affect almost 40 million people in ...
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Botox for migraines
2022年9月18日 · Medications taken at the time of a migraine headache also can be useful. The most common side effects of Botox injection include swelling or bruising at the injection site. Uncommonly, the medication may spread into nearby tissues and cause problems, such as a drooping eyelid, eyebrows that look out of place, dry eyes or excessive eye tearing.
High blood pressure in pregnancy a risk factor for early heart disease
2025年1月7日 · "This research highlights the need for earlier screening for heart disease among women with a history of high blood pressure in pregnancy, particularly for MINOCA, which is up to five times more common in women than in men," says Vesna Garovic, M.D., Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic nephrologist and senior author of the study.
‘SEEDS’ for success in migraine management - Mayo Clinic News …
2021年11月18日 · People who suffer from migraine can raise their threshold for migraine attacks, even without a prescription medication or device. "I call it the SEEDS for success in migraine management," says Dr. Starling. SEEDS stands for: S ― Sleep. E ― Exercise. E ― Eat healthy. D ― Dehydration. S ― Stress management. The "S" stands for sleep. Dr.
Mayo Clinic Q and A: What's the difference between cluster and …
2019年12月24日 · There is some overlap between the two headache types, and that can make it hard to differentiate between the two. For example, some migraine headaches can cause tearing, eye redness and nasal congestion, too. But those symptoms usually involve both sides of the head with a migraine, rather than just one side, as with cluster headaches.