Complexity Classes UP and US - Computer Science Stack Exchange
According to complexity zoo: Class UP (Unambiguous Polynomial-Time) is defined as: The class of decision problems solvable by an NP machine such that. If the answer is “yes,” exactly one …
What does the complexity class $\\mathsf{XP}$ stand for?
2017年6月9日 · The practical importance of XP is as a door to parameterized complexity analysis. Once a problem is recognized as belonging to XP it makes sense to investigate its exact …
Different definitions of complexity class DP
2021年4月20日 · Complexity zoo gives the full form "Difference Polynomial-Time" for DP and states that it is equivalent to BH $_2$. They give Definition 3 above as the definition of BH …
complexity classes - Is DISCRETE LOG a NP hard problem?
2019年8月27日 · However, that's not the discrete log problem people mean, when they talk about the hardness of discrete logs; they are usually talking about discrete logs modulo a prime. No …
terminology - What is complexity class $\oplus P^ {\oplus P ...
What does the complexity class $\oplus P^{\oplus P}$ mean? I know that $\oplus P$ is the complexity class ...
Merlin-Arthur complexity class for function problems
How does one define MA class for function problems, i.e., problems with range that is not True/False. e.g, finding the factors of a number. computer-science computational-complexity
Are there any natural $\\Pi_2^P$-complete problems?
2015年4月18日 · There are very many natural complete problems for $\Pi_2^p$, and there is a survey [1] on completeness for levels of the polynomial hierarchy, containing many such …
number theory - Complexity class of comparison of power towers ...
Complexity class of comparison of power towers. Ask Question Asked 13 years ago. Modified 11 years, 6 ...
Complexity class of an algorithm - Computer Science Stack Exchange
Complexity class for polynomial algorithm for 3SAT, but with exponentially large values? 3 Problems for which there is no algorithm with smallest time complexity
Difference between BPP, IP and AM complexity?
2021年10月11日 · Without any further limitations, we get the class IP (which equals PSPACE). If we only allow a constant number of rounds of interaction, we get the class AM (it is known that …