Basic Complex Geometry In this part, we mainly follows [Huy05] and [Dem12]. 1. REVIEW OF COMPLEX ANALYSIS 1.1. One variable case. We first give a quick review about basic …
Complex geometry studies (compact) complex manifolds. It discusses algebraic as well as metric aspects. The subject is on the crossroad of algebraic and differential geometry.
Contents: The primary goal of this Module is to present some fundamental techniques from several complex variables, Hermitian di erential geometry (and partial di erential equations, …
This section is an introduction to complex geometry. For other references in the style of these notes, see Kodaira’s book [19], Chapter 1 of Siu’s notes [24], Chapter 1 of Song-Weinkove’s …
In this section, we brie y review some de nitions and basic facts from the theory of holomorphic functions in one and several variables. There are a few di erent (but equivalent) ways to de ne …
2007年2月8日 · These are introductory lecture notes on complex geometry, Calabi-Yau manifolds and toric geometry. We first define basic concepts of complex and Kahler geometry. We then …
1 Why study complex geometry? The main goal of this course is to understand the natural di erential geometry of complex manifolds: K ahler geometry. Why should we care about this? …
Generalized complex geometry encompasses complex and symplectic ge-ometry as its extremal special cases. We explore the basic properties of this geometry, including its enhanced …
Introduction to complex geometry (Chapter 3) Yalong Shi Abstract Notes for 2020 BICMR Summer School for Di erential Geometry. Contents 3 Di erential geometry of vector bundles 2 …