Colonic & Anorectal Fistulas - NIDDK - National Institute of ...
A colonic fistula is an abnormal tunnel from the colon to the surface of the skin or to an internal organ, such as the bladder, small intestine, or vagina. An anorectal fistula is an abnormal tunnel from the anus or rectum to the surface of the skin around the anus.
Anal fistula - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
2024年7月2日 · Most anal fistulas are caused by an infection that starts in an anal gland. The infection results in an abscess that drains on its own or is drained surgically through the skin next to the anus. A fistula is the tunnel that forms under the skin along this drainage tract.
Fistula: Causes, Symptoms, Types, and Treatment - Verywell Health
2024年9月11日 · A fistula is an abnormal connection of two body cavities or a body cavity and the skin. For example, fistulas can occur between the rectum and the vagina or the intestine and the skin. They form when sores caused by inflammation inside the body worsen to the point that they form a tunnel in internal tissues.
Gastrointestinal fistula: Causes, treatment, and complications
2023年7月21日 · A gastrointestinal fistula is a severe medical condition that may require long-term care. Doctors may also call a gastrointestinal fistula an enterocutaneous fistula or an intestinal fistula.
Colovesical Fistula: Symptoms, Surgery, Recovery & More
2021年7月15日 · A colovesical fistula is an open connection between the colon and bladder. It's painful and rare. Learn about causes, diagnosis, treatment, and more.
Intestinal Fistula - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月17日 · Common causes of intestinal fistulas include surgical procedures, diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, malignancy, radiation, and injury due to trauma or foreign bodies.
Anal fistula - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
2024年7月2日 · A colon and rectal surgeon may recommend anesthesia during an examination of the fistula. This allows for a thorough look at the fistula tunnel and can identify any possible complications. Other options to identify the fistula's internal opening include: Fistula probe.
8 Most Common Questions About Fistulas – Answered!
The definition of a fistula is an abnormal passageway that connects two organs or vessels that do not usually connect. The most common type of fistula is around the anus. WHAT CAUSES A FISTULA? Within the anus, there are glands that create fluid. Sometimes these can become blocked and infected, creating what is called an abscess.
Gastrointestinal fistula Information | Mount Sinai - New York
Leaks that go through to a part of the intestines are called entero-enteral fistulas. Leaks that go through to the skin are called enterocutaneous fistulas. Other organs can be involved, such as the bladder, vagina, anus, and colon.
Colorectal-Vaginal Fistulas: Imaging and Novel Interventional ...
Colovaginal and/or rectovaginal fistulas cause significant and distressing symptoms, including vaginitis, passage of flatus/feces through the vagina, and painful skin excoriation. These fistulas can be a challenging condition to treat.