Citrine :: Fluorescent Protein Database
2018年12月3日 · Citrine is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) yellow fluorescent protein published in 2001, derived from Aequorea victoria. It has moderate acid sensitivity. Citrine was derived from EYFP with the following mutations: Q69M amino acid numbers relative to …
Spectrum [Citrine] - AAT Bioquest
Citrine is a fluorescent compound with an excitation peak at 514 nm and an emission peak at 530 nm. It can be excited using a 488 nm laser paired with a 525/50 nm bandpass filter, a configuration that can be found, for example, in the BD Special Order LSRFortessa™ Cell …
IR spectrum of facet heat-treated citrine. - ResearchGate
With the help of irradiation, [FeO4]⁴⁻ was excited by one electron from ferric electronic shell, it absorbed the visible light of 550 nm, and then made crystal appears golden color which named...
2001年1月4日 · However, previous YFPs show excessive pH sensitivity, chloride interference, poor photostability, or poor expression at 37 degrees C. Protein evolution in Escherichia coli has produced a new YFP named Citrine, in which the mutation Q69M confers a much lower pK (a) (5.7) than for previous YFPs, indifference to chloride, twice the photostability o...
Fluorescent Citrine-IgG fusion proteins produced in mammalian …
With Citrine, we were able to express fluorescent antibody fusion proteins in the HEK293 system. We were able to purify the fluorescent antibodies using standard Protein A-based purification techniques with yields that were similar to those of standard IgG fusion proteins.
Citrine2 :: Fluorescent Protein Database
Citrine2 is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green/yellow fluorescent protein published in 2018, derived from Aequorea victoria. It has moderate acid sensitivity. Citrine2 was derived from mCitrine with the following mutations: S30T/M69T/Y145H/N149Y/V163A/K206Q/K214E/M218T/D234G amino acid numbers relative to avGFP. show relative to mCitrine.
GitHub - Peter-Barrow/citrine: citrine, a small Python library for ...
citrine is a small Python library to calculate the joint-spectra of nonlinear crystals used in parametric downconversion sources. Install from git for the latest version. import citrine import numpy as np import matplotlib. pyplot as plt # Define central wavelengths for pump, signal, and idler lambda_p_central = citrine.
Citrine Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Enhanced variant of YFP. Explore Over 2.7k Plasmids: Fluorescent Protein Genes & Plasmids | More Plasmid Sets. BsrGI is typically used at 37°C, but is even more active at 60°C. * Blocked …
Citrine黄色荧光蛋白的激发波长 - LUYOR
2019年9月28日 · 目前,有三种改良的黄色荧光蛋白: Citrine, Venus, and Ypet。 Citrine Yellow Fluorescent Protein 荧光蛋白的激发波长. 黄色荧光蛋白(Yellow Fluorescent Protein , YFP)可以看做GFP 绿色荧光蛋白 的一种突变体,最初来源于维多利亚多管水母( Aequorea victoria)。 相对于绿色荧光蛋白,其荧光向红色光谱偏移,而这主要是由于蛋白203位苏氨酸变为酪氨酸。 其更大激发波长为514 nm,更大发射波长为527 nm。 像绿色荧光蛋白一样,YFP是细胞生物学 …
An improved cyan fluorescent protein variant useful for FRET
2004年2月29日 · Although current varieties of YFP, such as Citrine 12 and Venus 13, are quite bright, the total brightness (proportional to the product of the extinction coefficient and quantum yield) of ECFP is...