The campanile - Basilica San Marco
The campanile of St. Mark’s is an imposing square plan tower about 99 metres high, crowned by a spire that was once a lighthouse for shipping. It is the prototype of all the campaniles of the …
Opening times - Basilica San Marco
Basilica di San Marco San Marco, 328 30124 Venice Telephone: +39 041 2708311 Email: [email protected]
Campanile - Basilica San Marco
Il campanile di San Marco è una poderosa torre a pianta quadrata, alta circa 99 metri compresa la cuspide di coronamento, anticamente faro dei naviganti, prototipo di tutti i campanili lagunari.
Basilica di San Marco
Basilica di San Marco San Marco, 328 30124 Venezia Telefono: +39 041 2708311 Email: [email protected]
Prenotazioni - Basilica San Marco
Per prenotare una visita al complesso monumentale della Basilica di San Marco: Prenotazioni biglietti saltacoda
The Sansovino Loggia - Basilica San Marco
In the reconstruction of the Balcony in 1912, together with the Campanile, the original architectonic and decorative material was used as much as possible, but giving the greater …
St. Mark the Evangelist - Basilica San Marco
On 31st January 828 the relics of the Patron Saint Mark were brought from Alexandria, not without adventure, to Venice where they were received by the Doge Giustiniano Particiaco.. In those …
Orari di apertura - Basilica San Marco
Il Campanile è aperto tutti i giorni dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 21.15 (ultima salita alle ore 20.45; biglietto: 10 euro; gratis i bambini fino a 6 anni). In caso di condizioni climatiche sfavorevoli …
The bells - Basilica San Marco
In the collapse of 14th July 1902, the 5 bells were smashed. They were all recast and donated by Pope Pius X.. There had always been five since ancient times and each one had a special …
How to reach the Basilica - Basilica San Marco
Arriving by car, you must park it at Piazzale Roma, where you find three parking areas open all day long: the Autorimessa Comunale, the Garage San Marco and the Sant’Andrea; moreover …