What Is the Meaning of the Basmalah? - Islam Question & Answer
2001年11月22日 · Saying the Basmalah when reading the Quran. The ruling on saying the Basmalah before reading Quran depends on the situation: If it is at the beginning of a surah – apart from Surat Bara-ah (al-Tawbah) – then the majority of imams have stated that “it is mustahabb to recite the Basmalah at the beginning of each surah, in prayer or otherwise.
The difference of scholarly opinion as to whether the Basmalah …
With regard to Soorah Baraa’ah (at-Tawbah), the Basmalah is not a verse thereof, according to scholarly consensus. But there is a difference of scholarly opinion concerning other cases. Some of these scholars of Usool stated that the Basmalah is not part of the Quran, and some said that it is part of it in al-Faatihah only.
Why Do We Say Bismillah before Any Task? - Islam Question
2022年7月22日 · My question is about the meaning of the phrase Bismillah and the reason for starting actions with it. Is it permissible, according to Islamic teachings, to explain it as follows, noting that this is based on my own understanding: The phrase Bismillah is said as if we are doing things on behalf of Allah, and that is because we humans are vicegerents of Allah on earth, …
Why There Is No Bismillah in Surah At-Tawbah
2012年8月22日 · The correct opinion why there is no Basmalah (saying Bismillah) between Surah At-Tawbah and Al-Anfal is that the Companions were uncertain as to whether Surah At-Tawbah was the same Surah as Al-Anfal or they were two separate Surahs, so they said: Let us make a separation between the two Surahs and not write the Bismillah.
Reciting Bismillah Loudly in Prayer - Islam Question & Answer
2024年9月28日 · Recently I was appointed as an imam in a mosque, temporarily, and I started to lead the people in prayer. According to the best of my knowledge, there are two opinions regarding the matter of saying the Basmalah (i.e., the phrase “Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)”) out loud in the prayer, and the more …
Do You Have to Recite Bismillah Before Every Surah?
2002年10月9日 · It is prescribed to recite the Basmalah in every Rak`ah before Al-Fatihah and before every Surah apart from Surah Bara’ah (i.e., Surah At-Tawbah).” (Fatawa Al-Lajnah Ad-Da’imah, 6/378) And they said: “If (the worshipper) is going to recite a Surah after Al-Fatihah, he should recite the Basmalah silently beforehand.
Hadith About the Virtue of the Basmalah - Islam Question & Answer
2009年11月4日 · Praise be to Allah. This report was mentioned by al-Qurtubi in al-Jami’ li Ahkam al-Quran (1/92) and Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer (exegesis) (1/18), narrated from Wakee’ from al-A’mash from Abu Wail from Ibn Mas’ood (may Allah be pleased with him); it is the words of Ibn Mas’ood, not of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Can You Recite the Basmalah in the Middle of a Surah?
2023年10月14日 · The correct view is that if a person recites the Basmalah when beginning his reading of the Quran in the middle of a surah, that is not recommended, because Allah Says in His Book (interpretation of the meaning): {When you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytan.} [An-Nahl 16:98] He did not instruct us to say anything ...
Reciting the Basmalah before Al-Fatihah in Prayer
2022年6月16日 · In the first rak`ah of my prayer, I praise Allah, seek refuge with Him and say the Basmalah (Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim – in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful), then I recite Surat Al-Fatihah. In the second rak`ah, I do not say the Basmalah, and I start with “al-hamdu Lillah.” Is this way acceptable in prayer?
Ways of saying Isti’aadhah and Basmalah when quoting from the …
2009年6月29日 · Praise be to Allah. After researching and looking into the matter, we did not find any comments of the scholars of tajweed and recitation concerning this particular issue, in the commentaries on al-Shaatibiyyah, al-Jazariyyah, al-Durar al-Lawaami’ and others, namely on the issue of the ways of isti’aadhah (saying “A’oodhu Billaahi min al-Shaytaan al-rajeem (I seek …