Bai people - Wikipedia
The Bai or Pai (Bai: Baipho, /pɛ̰˦˨xo̰˦/, 白和; Chinese: 白族; pinyin: Báizú; Wade–Giles: Pai²-tsu²; endonym pronounced [pɛ̀tsī]), are an East Asian ethnic group native to the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, Bijie area of Guizhou Province, and Sangzhi area of …
The Bai Minority in China - China Highlights
Of the 2 million Bai people, almost 80 percent live in concentrated towns and villages in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan. Due to the concentration of the population and the degree of urbanization, unlike many other ethnic people in China, the majority, an estimated 1.2 million people, can still speak their traditional language.
Bai | Bai Ethnicity, Yunnan Province, China & Minority Groups
Bai, people of northwestern Yunnan province, southwest China. Minjia is the Chinese (Pinyin) name for them; they call themselves Bai or Bo in their own language, which has been classified within the Yi group of Tibeto-Burman languages.
白族是中国第15大少数民族,主要分布在云南、贵州、湖南等省,其中以云南省的白族人口最多,主要聚居在云南省大理白族自治州。 此外四川省、重庆市等地也有分布。 白族有本民族语言,白语属 汉藏语系 藏缅语族 彝语支。 汉文自古以来一直为白族群众通用。 白族在艺术方面独树一帜,其建筑、雕刻、绘画艺术名扬古今中外。 在形成与发展的过程中,与周边的各民族相互往来,创建了灿烂的经济文化。 白族是一个聚居程度较高的民族,有民家、勒墨、那马三大支 …
Bai people - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Baizu (Bai language: 白和; Chinese: 白族; pinyin: Báizú; literally: white people) are East Asian. They are one of the 56 ethnic groups of China. In 2010 their population was 1,933,510.
Before 1949, Bai society was divided into landless peasants, peasants, artisans, wealthy peasants who lived in the cities, merchants and landlords. Village elders were respected and women had fairly equal status with men. Under the Communists, the wealthy were stigmatized but since the economic reforms in 1970 socioeconomic classes have reemerged.
Bai Ethnic Group, Facts about Bai Minority, Bai People China
The Bai people are one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the government of the People's Republic of China. Three Course Tea is the traditional way of tea drinking when the Bai people to entertain guests.
Bai are the 14th largest ethnic group and the 13th largest minority in China. They numbered 2,091,543 in 2020 and made up 0.15 percent of the total population of China in 2020 according to the 2020 Chinese census.
Bai ethnic group | english.scio.gov.cn
Of the 1,858,063 Bai people, 80 percent live in concentrated communities in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, southwest China. The rest are scattered in Xichang and Bijie in neighboring Sichuan and Guizhou provinces respectively.
Bai people - Wikiwand
The Bai or Pai (Bai: Baipho, /pɛ̰˦˨xo̰˦/, 白和; Chinese: 白族; pinyin: Báizú; Wade–Giles: Pai²-tsu²; endonym pronounced [pɛ̀tsī] ), are an East Asian ethnic group native to the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, Bijie area of Guizhou Province, and Sangzhi area of …