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Web magazine and community for backcountry / STOL / mountain / float / bush pilots. ... Backcountry Pilot ...
PPonk/XP470 Instructions - Backcountry Pilot
Jan 21, 2016 · Added new article from Ravi Fry Every backcountry airplane should be equipped with this versatile tool ...
Old Cessna 206's!!!! - Backcountry Pilot
May 27, 2020 · If this needed then the Sportsman is the way to go. I never put any kits on my 180, 185’s or 182, I never had the need and did just fine flying all over Alaska. Stock wing Cessnas are very capable airplanes in the hands of a competent pilot. Just my humble opinion. Kurt
TU206G vs Newer T206H - Backcountry Pilot
Aug 24, 2012 · I have to get something with more seats for the backcountry. I'm also working on an off-grid construction project and want to be able to carry stuff - something the Husky just can't do. Is there a substantial difference between the 1979/1980s TU206G (2250~ gross) and a newer, say 2006+ T206H (2300?~ gross)?
1980 taylorcraft f21 - Backcountry Pilot
Feb 22, 2011 · You will not find one good pilot who regretted their time in the T-craft or what the old girl taught them. There is a wood bar sewn into the front of the seat sling, that can be un-bolted from the fuselage and then un-rolled to let the sling drop down an inch or two. Or rolled up a little tighter for a shorter pilot.
climb prop for unusual C170 - Backcountry Pilot
Apr 24, 2006 · zane wrote:I'm running the stock McCauley 76" pitched at 53, which is the stock from the factory setting.I can't imagine a takeoff running lower rpm on climbout than it provides, but some guys do for the sake of higher cruise speeds.
Star Valley Wyoming castle - Backcountry Pilot
Apr 1, 2005 · A general forum for anything related to flying the backcountry. Please check first if your new topic fits better into a more specific forum before posting. 40 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 , 2
AeroTrek A220 and A240. What do you think? - Backcountry Pilot
Oct 18, 2019 · I spent some time providing backcountry training in one a couple years ago in Idaho. I thought it was a nice airplane with darned good performance at density altitudes above 9000 feet. I'm 6'2", 175 lbs and found it perfectly comfortable all day long.
4-place, semi-stol, semi x/c experimental taildragger?
Feb 26, 2019 · Technical and practical discussion about specific aircraft types such as Cessna 180, Maule M7, et al. Please read and search carefully before posting, as many popular topics have already been discussed.
Red Dragon Pre-heater - Backcountry Pilot
Feb 20, 2007 · The Beaver, for example, has the oil tank located in the cockpit, between the pilot and copilot’s knees. And, most of those engines carried a lot of oil (6.4 gallons for an R-985 if I recall). Where I’m going with this is that the pilots in those days drained the oil and put it behind the stove in the roadhouse overnight to keep it warm.