word choice - "ask for assist" or "ask for assistance"? - English ...
2018年6月24日 · ask for assist. ask for assistance. I always thought the later (ask for assistance) until seeing someone using "ask for assist" on some SE site, and before editing it I checked it only to find out that "assist" is also a noun. Even more, here it says: assist is a helpful action or an act of giving. So appears to be the correct wording, but ...
Usage of "appreciate your assistance/help for ~ing"
2015年5月31日 · I would like to ask you all whether it is grammatically correct to use "appreciate your assistance/help for ~ing". And I am confused with the order of "someone" and "me" in the expression of "put ~ in touch with ~" to thank someone who introduced me a new person. I appreciate your kind assistance for putting me in touch with someone.
Ask for or ask about? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2023年3月22日 · I'm phoning you, to ask for her address. You could also say: The reason I'm phoning you is to ask you for her address. But I don't really like repeating the word "you" with the contraction "I'm". So I would probably either: Remove the first you: The reason I'm phoning, is to ask you for her address. Or expand the contraction (sounds more formal)
meaning - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2023年6月9日 · Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject, was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. I feel like this sentence is partially negative by using "not all", which means some questions Mrs.Bennet asked were not sufficient to... while some others were.
prepositions - Do we say “Seek help” or “seek for help”? - English ...
2020年6月23日 · I suggest it helpful to consider usage, lack of ambiguity, and clarity of meaning rather than to try to define an inappropriately rigid and restricted formality in which we deny the extension of language merely to maintain a grammatical status quo.
How can I be of service vs How can I help you?
2017年3月29日 · Ask your friend what the joke was. "Service" can be used to describe the job of a servant. It is possible that they were inferring that, in agreeing to look something up for them, you were acting as their servant rather than just being a helpful person. Responding to his request for help by saying "How can I help you?"
politeness - How to ask a question of a professor - English …
It's important for me to ask my questions politely. The problem is that I even don't know how to start. This is what I want to say : Hello Mr X. I am Mr Y from Z-university. I have some questions about big data analysis. Can I ask them of you? Note : I know that it may be ridiculous for English people to ask it this way.
Thank you for your continued support or continuous support?
Let me guess, I feel continued support fits better even before I did a quick search on the Internet. A website writer said I cannot formulate a rule then said: "Universities have Departments of Continuing Education, but they often ask their contributors for their continued support." but I think I can [guess] if it's true!
prepositions - help on / with something - English Language …
2015年8月11日 · I know that "help" is often used with the preposition "with". However, the preposition "on" can be used sometimes as well. I googled some examples: He came over from time to time for a little
politeness - Asking politely for a meeting - English Language …
2020年12月18日 · I would like to politely ask my professor to meet me sometime soon. Could someone please let me know (1) whether my sentences are grammatically correct and also not weird to the ears of a native English speaker and (2) whether they sound polite. Any other suggestion would be appreciated.