Armenia and Karabakh, history, maps, images, multimedia and info.
Maps of Armenia and more More than 150 maps of Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh, Yerevan and other cities in the region, Historical maps, maps of historical battles. Visit the map section for the complete list.
Armenica - About Armenica
The main goal of Armenica.org is to provide the general public with easily accessed reliable facts and information about Armenia and it's related issues. Hence, the material presented on Armenica.org is free to use (with exception for material which are marked for sale purpose) as long as customary regulations for copying material are respected:
History of Armenia - armenica.org
This section contains the complete history of Armenia, covering the period between 800BC and 2004. The current text consists of over 530 pages, which are mainly translations from the two main sources including over 100 maps, information about important personalities and other data.
Information and Educational Material - armenica.org
This is the collection of educational and informative material which are free for downloading and usage. Please see our policy about usage of material for further information. Papers and Articles | Posters | Brochures | Other
Armenica: Destruction of Armenian Khatchkars in Old Jougha …
Cultural Vandalism or Raping History? Where is the civilized Europe? Where is UNESCO? Why does no one intervene? This movie clip, dated December 14-16, 2005, shows how Azerbaijani soldiers, with heavy machinery, destroy the last evidence of Armenian presence in Nakhichevan, the historical Armenian province which together with Nagorno Karabakh was given away to the …
Manuscript, Bible, Psalm, Gospel, New and Old Testament
Manuscript, Bible, Psalm, Gospel, New and Old Testament - ArmenicaArmenica provides information about and around Armenia.
Armenica - About Armenica
The prime purpose of Armenica was to provide a reliable and complete information source about Armenia and its related issues.
Artashes I - Armenica
Artashes I managed to defend the country against the Seleucid attacks and since he was also a competent politician, he did everything in his power to weaken the power of the Seleucids. When Timark, the leader of the Medes, revolted against the Seleucids Artashes I sent an army to their assistance which in turn led to the independence of the Medes.
Kyrkor & kloster (30) - armenica.org
Armenica innehåller information om och runt Armenien.
Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia
Click here to watch a clip from the declaration of independece. The Supreme Council of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic Expressing the united will of the Armenian people; Aware of its historic responsibility for the destiny of the Armenian people engaged in the realization of the aspirations of all Armenians and the restoration of historical justice; Proceeding from the …