definition - Is it true that 1 MB can mean either 1000000 bytes ...
Currently the use of "KB", "MB", etc to mean anything other than 1000 bytes, 1000 x 1000 bytes, etc is deprecated and contrary to most official standards. The new way of expressing 1024 …
What is the background of the number 1024? - Super User
2019年7月19日 · Many different powers of 2 are heavily used in computing, not just 1024. You'll find 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 4096, 1048576, 1073741824, and other multiples …
Overcoming the 1024 character limit with setx - Super User
2012年2月9日 · Even if you symblink Windows and system32 folders you will eventually run out of 1024 char limit. What is much smarter is to add some folder like C:\slnk in the PATH variable …
storage - What is the origin of K = 1024? - Super User
1024 is not to be blamed it is a very good thing indeed, as it is the reason computer (digital) can be as fast and as efficient as they are today. Because the computer only use 2 value (0,1) it …
How long would it take to break a 1024 bit OpenPGP encrypted …
2015年2月22日 · Blind guessing/Brute Forcing. With a 1024-bit semiprime, there is little chance that this will ever work. It would be better use of your time randomly trying to guess lottery …
How to recover from PATH being truncated to 1024 characters by …
2014年9月17日 · WARNING: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters. After a reboot, I notice that the PATH is indeed much shorter than before. I've since read that SETX …
Why do so many netbooks have a base resolution of 1024 x 600
2009年8月10日 · In order to make it fit in a small form factor and still get a resolution that is 1024 pixels wide (basically the new standard). And generally speaking people don't mind scrolling …
OpenSSL how to generate 1024 bits CSR from a 2048 bits Private …
2017年8月26日 · So I got confirmed here: sslshopper and verified that both the 2048 bits key and 1024 bits CSR have same fingerprint (hash value). How can I in OpenSSL generate 1024 bits …
linux - What's the difference between dd's command options …
dd if=(whatever input) of=(a magnetic tape device) bs=1024 count=1. will write one tape block of 1024 bytes; dd … bs=1 count=1024 will write 1024 blocks of one byte each. These are not the …
115://开头的链接是怎么下载的呢? - 知乎