约 862,000 个结果
Difference between 而, 但 and 和 - Chinese Language Stack …
What is the difference between 可是, 但是, 但, 而, 不过, and 然而?
What is the difference between "但是" and "可是" and "只是" and " …
meaning - What is the difference between 但 and 只? - Chinese …
"而" 和 "但" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
"但"和"但是"的差别是什么? - HiNative
【但是】 と 【可是】 と 【不過】 はどう ... - HiNative
word choice - Confusions about 虽然 and 即使 - Chinese …
How do I write "but if" in Chinese?
"依然" 和 "仍然" 和 "依旧" 和 "仍旧" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative