然后,汉语词汇。拼音:rán hòu 指用于顺承复句的后一分句的句首;表示接着某种动作或情况之后。
然后 | 简体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
然后通过拆分出售其资产而获利的人; 然后把这种互动视频在社交媒体上播放; 填补烹调重新填满混合食品然后再烹饪; 然后以顾客的名义在网站上给予商家好评; 查看全部意思»
然后 in English - Cambridge Dictionary
然后 - translate into English with the Chinese (Simplified)–English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
然后的解释|然后的意思|汉典“然后”词语的解释 - 漢典
然后 (词语) 然后,指用于顺承复句的后一分句的句首;表示接着某种动作或情况之后。 见《史记·孝武本纪》:“皆至泰山然后去。
English translation of '然后' - Collins Online Dictionary
然后 British English : afterwards / ˈɑːftəwədz / ADVERB If something is done or happens afterwards , it is done or happens later than a particular event or time that has already been described.
Using 然后 (then) in Chinese Grammar - Linguateacher
When learning Chinese, one of the most useful words you will encounter is 然后 (ránhòu), which translates to “then” or “after that” in English. This word is essential for connecting events in a sequence, making your speech more fluent, and improving your storytelling abilities.
然后 vs 之后 vs 以后: How to Say “After” in Chinese – FluentU
2013年7月11日 · 然后, 以后 and 之后 all mean “after” or “behind,” but there are certain times when you should only use one and not the others. In this guide, we’ll go over the nuances in all of their meanings, how to use them correctly and when to use each one.
然后 (然後)的意思 - 汉语词典 - 千篇国学
然后 [ rán hòu ] ⒈ 用于顺承复句的后一分句的句首,或一段的开头,表示某一行动或情况发生后,接着发生或引起另一行动或情况,有的跟前一分句的“先”、“首先”相呼应。 例 然后皇上与康先生之意始能少通。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》
What does 然后 (Ránhòu) mean in Chinese? - WordHippo
Need to translate "然后" (Ránhòu) from Chinese? Here are 6 possible meanings.
然后 - Definition and synonyms of 然后 in the Chinese dictionary
Meaning of 然后 in the Chinese dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for 然后 and translation of 然后 to 25 languages.
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