How do I determine whether to use 次 (cì) or 遍 (biàn) in these …
2018年5月11日 · The question comes from a problem from my Chinese book which asks to choose 次 and 遍 to fill in the blanks (photo of the original). I transcribe it below: 用“次”或“遍”填空。 (1) 杰希给马克打了两___电话,马克都没接。 ...
usage - How to use 次 with verbs - Chinese Language Stack …
2021年6月30日 · 第n次v,最后一次v,我是第几次回答问题了? v1一次v2一下,(每)v1一次(就)v2(一下,两个,几个),催一次做一点,问一句答一句 there's quite a lot of usage of it with verbs. hope these examples help you understand it better.
一趟 vs 一次、is there any difference?
次 more general than 趟,both function as verbal measure words,in fact "外国人实用汉语语发"has the following list of 动量词 with matching verbs/可以和量搭词配的动词: 次 :去找来参观|遍:看说写念听抄翻译|下儿:打敲摇想玩讨论| 趟 :去来|回:看送|场:下(雨)打(球)|阵:刮(风)|顿:吃打骂 ...
How to say "this" in "This is my third time in Taiwan"?
I know 次 is the word for "time" in this sense, and I know it's also a counter word for times. So is my choice correct for "this"? I said 這個 with the generic counter word, but should I really say 這次 since I'm discussing times, or is just plain 這 best? Or should I really express it …
grammar - How are the sentences 我第一次挑战这么高难度的手术 …
2021年7月11日 · 次 can be a verb-classifier to indicate the occurrence of a verb. Example: 我第一次游泳 doesn't mean "My first swim". It means "The first time I swim" 我第二次游泳 = the second time I swim. 我上次游泳 = the last time I swimed. Notice: 我的第一次游泳 would mean "my first swim" 我的第一次挑战 would mean "my first ...
meaning in context - What does 届 mean? - Chinese Language …
2021年6月17日 · More formal than ~次, one may say. 第十六屆歐洲盃 the sixteenth EUFA cup. 本屆理事 incumbent director. It is however used figuratively in 這一屆網友. I guess one may translate that into 'this generation of netizens'. Generations (of netizens) do come and go.
characters - Stroke order for 印 - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
2013年4月17日 · Unfortunately, there is no one universal correct stroke order. It differs: from country to country, between radical, standalone and handwriting forms,
Question about complement of frequency? (Using 过 and 次)
2016年2月17日 · 我見過你見過三次。 Another way to handle objects and complements is to prepone the object: 你人我見過三次。 In 我游了三次泳, the word 游泳 is a loose verb-object pair that should be viewed as just a verb. The 泳 is difficult to explain as an object in many grammatical constructions.
Learning Mandarin Chinese: Southern accent
2024年11月14日 · Most obvious difference is 翘舌音, where a lot of southern speakers don't really differentiate them as they don't exist in the southern dialects. 'C' (次), 'ch' (赤), and 'q' are effectively the same for most of us, although I try to make sure 次 and 赤 sound different, and make a 'ts' sound for 次.
What is the intended error in the faulty sentence 她着装简洁,言 …
2024年2月29日 · 第一次见面,我就被她的美(something)所吸引(verb). - At first sight, I am/was already attracted (to her) by her beauty. Or, if the emphasis on the intensity of the attraction is necessary/desirable, we can say: 第一次见面,我就深深地被她的美所吸引. - At first sight, I am/was already deeply attracted (to her) by ...