What's an effective way of explaining the difference between 思想 …
2019年3月5日 · They both connotate a way of thinking. It is my understanding at 思想 os a more broadly encompassing term, like "mentality", or an overarching mindset, whereas "想法" is an individual idea. But what if...
synonyms - What is the difference between 看法 and 想法?
2020年5月16日 · Everybody talked about their ideas(想法), and you vote for a topic. Think about another scenario: At class, your professor played a piece of video about some hot news, and then he wanted you to talk about your own point of view(看法). So, "想法" is usually used when there is some problem need to be discussed to solve.
How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English?
2024年9月1日 · So, 主见 & 想法, what difference? The difference is 想法 is the invisible thought process, and 主见 is the observable manifestation, an outward expression of that thought process, whether in the form of a physical action or an uttered opinion. We then have 没主见 & 没想法.
meaning - 请审核一下我的想法有什么不对? - Chinese Language …
2024年9月30日 · 就是,他问的是哪个是正确,而不是图片中有什么违法。现在我来解释一下我的想法。 a选肯定不正确,因为图片中的a车在压实现, 压实现是一种违法行为。 b选正确,因为在图中a车的确在压实现变更车道。 d选我觉得不正确。
What is the Difference Between 方法 and 办法?
2014年9月22日 · 办法 is simply 办事的方法. This has nothing to do with colloquialism or technicality. Both are common words used in daily speech and writing.
What does 照你的意思 mean in this dialogue?
2018年4月23日 · Thanks this was helpful, as it led me to become aware of the overlap between the dictionary definition for 意思 as idea/opinion/meaning, and the dictionary definition for 想法 as idea/opinion/way of thinking.
親不見、愛無心 origin of this quote
2020年3月2日 · 年代變了,價值觀也變了而且在這想法多樣化的年代,文字變了自然也會有對之想法不一的人,取個例子譬如說黑簡體字時說的‘兒無首’,中國現在提倡統一思想,小孩子不雖要有自己的想法,那無首其實是絕對合理的。
translation - Why is 我草 (wǒ cǎo) vs. 我操 (wǒ cāo) funny?
I think this is the right answer for how this became a joke. It's probably worth noting that (a) they both mean 肏 and both get pronounced that way in this context; (b) the distinction between the different senses of 'fuck' for these two cryptonyms is teen slang (Middle-aged Shanghainese don't recognize any difference between the two in this context.
meaning - 倔强 vs 固执 vs 顽固 usage - Chinese Language Stack …
2019年5月10日 · The dictionary says that 倔强 = stubborn, 固执 = stubborn, 顽固 =obstinate, stubborn. I looked up some sample sentences and felt like 倔强 and 固执 are synonyms. So are 倔强 and 固执 synonyms or do they have some
translation - How to translate "暧昧" into English? - Chinese …
2013年12月20日 · This is an old question! I was young and handsome back then! It all went pear-shaped!! I would define 暧昧 like this: A close, possibly sexual, relationship, in which the parties do not openly declare their positions.