Chang Dai-chien - Wikipedia
Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (Chinese: 張大千; Wade–Giles: Chang Ta-ch'ien; 10 May 1899 – 2 April 1983) was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century.
Chang Dai-chien - 27 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Zhang Daqian or Chang Dai-chien (Chinese: 張大千; pinyin: Zhāng Dàqiān; 10 May 1899 – 2 April 1983) was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. Originally known as a guohua (traditionalist) painter, by the 1960s he was also renowned as a modern impressionist and expressionist painter.
張大千 - 27 件藝術品 - 畫作 - WikiArt.org
Zhāng Zhèngquán (张大千; 張大千; Chang Ta-chien; Zhāng Dàqiān) 生於: 五月 10 1899; Neijiang, Sichuan, China ; 死於: 四月 2 1983; Taipei, Taiwan ; 國籍: 中文; 藝術運動: 印象派, 表現主義, 中華民國(1912 – 現在) 藝術領域: 畫作; 維基百科: zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/張大千
11月11日至2021年4月11日,余德耀美术馆将举办展览“摩耶精舍:张大千的园林(The Abode of Illusions: The Garden of Zhang Daqian)”,展出一组由胡崇贤摄影、张大千题识,两位艺术家共同创作的作品。
Chang Dai-chien 张大千 / 張大千 – Artists – Allen Memorial Art …
Chang moved to Godoy Cruz, Argentina in 1952 and to Brazil subsequently in 1954. After living in California from 1968 to 1976, he settled down in Taipei, Taiwan, where he built a residence called Moye Jingshe 摩耶精舍 (“The Abode of Maya”).
摩耶精舍:張大千的園林 - Yuz Museum Shanghai
張大千(1899-1983年,Zhang Daqian/Chang Dai-chien/Chang Ta-chien),名爰,字季爰,法號大千,别號大千居士,出生於四川內江,是中國現代著名的國畫大家,亦在書法、詩詞、藝術鑒賞、造園等領域造詣精深。
民國張大千蘇花攬勝 卷 - 故宮 - npm
Chang Ta-ch’ien, a native of Szechuan, was gifted in the arts of poetry and prose, painting, and calligraphy. He was especially innovative in painting, reaching beyond traditional techniques to develop the new field of splashed ink and colors.
在上海品读摩耶精舍,摄影里的“张大千园林”|张大千|摩耶精舍_新 …
2020年11月5日 · 张大千(1899-1983年,Zhang Daqian/Chang Dai-chien/Chang Ta-chien),名爰,字季爰,法号大千,别号大千居士,出生于四川内江,是中国现代著名的国画大家 ...
Silhouette of a Great Master: A Retrospective of Chang Dai-chien's …
Chang Dai-chien was a master of legendary proportions who led a dramatic life, including travel to Japan to learn textile dyeing as a young adult, joining a monastery and briefly becoming a Buddhist monk after his return, and making a journey to China's far west to copy wall paintings at the grottoes of Dunhuang during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
张大千文献研究中心在四川省图书馆落成 - 百家号
2019年6月22日 · 今(22)日, 张大千文献研究中心 在四川省图书馆正式落成,新落成的文献中心将以千册珍稀纸质文献和“张大千文献数据库”,以不同方式向公众展示张大千先生文化创作精品,让公众更深入了解“500年来一大千”在中国绘画史上的卓越成就。