姐 vs 姊, etymology, and their English equivalences
姊 means 女兄, the older sister. Its usage is simple and pure. Reiterative locution is not allowd when we use 姊. 姊姊 is not correct. And we rarely use 姊 nowadays. 姐 has rich usages. It …
「姐、姊、姉」这三个字有什么区别? - 知乎
2014年6月18日 · 「姊」是正字,也是本字。右边的部分是声旁,同声旁的字还有「床笫之欢」的「笫」。 「姐」的本义是母,四川、湖南等地,呼母亲为「姐」,也被写作「她」、「毑」 …
Translating the two meanings of 好自为之
好自為之: look out for oneself; conduct oneself well; do one's best. There's a discussion about 好自為之. I wrote:
台湾标准为什么把「姐」写成「姊」而后训读 ... - 知乎
「姊」是用在有血緣關係或是後來認的、沒有血緣關係的親屬上,比如「乾姊」。 而「姐」則是一種尊稱,像是「電梯小姐」、「專櫃小姐」等,或是面對不認識的成年女性也是用「小姐」來 …
在粤语中,各种亲戚的标准称谓是怎样的? - 知乎
How do you address someone with their name in Chinese?
3a. For those closer to us, we call them by their nick names, these are given or adopted when they were young and they just decided to continue using them. Nicknames usually start with …
姊佩是谁? - 知乎
姊川合战的真相究竟如何,大胜还是惨胜,重创了浅井朝仓还是不 …
姊川合战无论如何都是织德联军完胜啊,说惨胜的估计都是看了有关朝仓浅井联军一些猛人的故事而臆想出来的。 比如真柄十郎左卫门直隆,这个人是以大力闻名的朝仓家猛将,姊川合战时 …
舆姊谐鮱 - 知乎
舆姊谐鮱 在Win7正常使用的M7450F打印机切换到Win10系统,无法使用。 百度搜索相关内容好多远程维修的广告,要价60-80(想讲个价还叼叼的,属实恶心人),后在CSDN下载了打印机固件 …
word choice - What's the difference between 舅舅 and 叔叔?
姊=姐 媽=妈 親=亲 婦=妇 兒=儿 孫=孙. I think the person above has given a wonderful answer. This is the additional image which explains the relationship of chinese relatives. This image is …