characters - What is the meaning of 么? - Chinese Language Stack …
2015年7月21日 · 么 has lost most of its lexical meaning in modern usage, but it appears to have originally been derived from the word 物, meaning 'thing'. Chinese by Jerry Norman, pp. 119-20 makes mention of the etymology of various modern words featuring 么:
What is the difference between "吗 (mǎ)" and "么 (ma)"?
么(ma)同"吗" That is saying 么(ma) is equal to 吗(mǎ). If you said the simple usage of 么(mē) and 吗, there is some difference. 么 usually explain the not strong sense of doubt, and 吗 is little stronger. But the level of doubt sense is often depended on volume, if you speak loud , 么 can be stronger than 吗 in some condition.
simplified characters - Difference between 幺 and 么 - Chinese …
2023年12月3日 · Both 漢典 and 國語辭典 all say 幺 can be another form of 么。 漢典:幺,小也。象子初生之形。俗字作么。 國語辭典:「么」的異體字。 However, both dictionaries also say 幺 have only one pronunciation ㄧㄠyao and it means small. Unlike 么, it isn't pronounced as ㄇㄛˊmó,˙ㄇㄚma, or ˙ㄇㄜme.
cantonese - Simplified variant of 幺? - Chinese Language Stack …
Wenlin: 么 originated as another way of writing 幺 (yāo) 'small', depicting two tiny silk cocoons. Another word meaning 'small' is 麽 or 麼 mó, written with 么 or 幺 plus 麻 má phonetic on top. The second syllable of the modern words shénme 'what', zěnme 'how', nàme 'so', etc., also came to be written with the character 麽 or 麼.
Someone said 24-hour time for 0215 can be 零二么五小時
2024年8月18日 · In typing its rare to interchange at all, but 么 for 幺 in the scenario you list is far far rarer than 幺 for 么-- very possibly a simple typo or unique to a small area//nonstandard education. Please be aware that 么 as a surname is pronounced as yāo, completely unrelated to this discussion example but maybe muddying your search. –
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知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、 …
正在组装电脑中,14600KF到底容易爆雷或缩肛吗?有没有必要多 …
2024年12月12日 · RT,求各位大神不吝赐教,谢谢! 13 14缩肛是因为夏天高温蓝屏,主板以为电压不够就加压—蓝屏—加压—蓝屏—缩肛,很多不锁电压的直接干到1.5 1.6v了