conversion - Convert a .xlsx (MS Excel) file to .csv on command line ...
unoconv -f csv filename.xlsx For more complex requirements, you can parse XLSX files with Spreadsheet:: ...
How can I convert specific sheets in an xlsx file to csv via the linux ...
2021年2月14日 · LibreOffice has a feature built in to convert to csv: localc --headless --convert-to csv input.xlsx This will only export the first sheet however. To get the second sheet you need the help of a macro. Open LibreOffice Calc and go to Tools -> Macros -> Edit Macros. This should open an editor, replace anything in the editor with this code:
How to convert xlsx file to csv using shell script? [closed]
2021年7月9日 · How can I convert specific sheets in an xlsx file to csv via the linux command line? Hot Network Questions Calculating the determinant of a matrix using a purely analytical method that involves the "cross product" in nD
convert CSV to XLS file on linux - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2014年9月30日 · $ echo -e 'surname,name,age\nCarlo,Smith,23\nJohn,Doe,46\nJane,Doe,69\nSarah,Meyer,23\n' \ > example.csv $ unix2dos example.csv $ ssconvert example.csv example.xlsx $ ssconvert example.csv example.xls Where the first ssconvert call creates a MS Excel 2007/2010 file and …
Specify encoding with libreoffice --convert-to csv
Excel files can be converted to CSV using: $ libreoffice --convert-to csv --headless --outdir dir file.xlsx Everything appears to work just fine. The encoding, though, is set to something wonky. Instead of a UTF-8 mdash (—) that I get if I do a "save as" manually from LibreOffice Calc, it …
LibreOffice - convert Calc/Excel schedule to CSV from command line
2020年8月22日 · A great command-line tool to convert xlsx to csv is xlsx2csv. Description: convert xlsx files to csv format xlsx files are zip archives where spreadsheet data is stored. In order to process a file, various bits inside the archive need to be located.
How to do a fast convert of a .xls (MS Excel) file to .csv
2015年10月16日 · How can I do a fast convert of excel to csv? I have tried with php, perl, JavaScript. but it takes too much time. For example, for a 5MB file it will take 3-5 minutes.
Transform xlsx to csv in AIX when there is no tool to do it
2018年3月6日 · Edit: Process has to be automatable Edit2: it is just a regular exel file 1 sheet with rows but as xlsx is a complex file it is hard to treat if you don´t have the right tools. It is for a powercenter process (witch have hard time with excels so my best option is to transform the excel to something more simple).
cli or command that convert the CSV file to XLS [duplicate]
convert CSV to XLS file on linux (2 answers) Closed 6 years ago . I am searching for tool or CLI that can be download and by this tool , we can use it to convert CSV file to XLS
Convert XLS file to CSV file in perl without using spreadsheet
2019年6月28日 · I have a file in .XLS format and I want to load that file on Informatica, for which I need to convert that file to .CSV, i.e. XLS to CSV.