PA Minigun backpack mods for PC? : r/Fallout4Mods - Reddit
2023年3月23日 · As the title says, I’m looking for a backpack mod for the minigun which would reside on the back of my power armor. I’ve looked into such mods on Nexus, and so far things like the Capital Wasteland minigun just have that one little quirk that …
yet another example of why I really want a minigun with a belt fed …
7. That's usually the sweet spot betqeen competance and tenqcity. 8 is pretry good too, and I don't play 9 because my first experience wirh 9 had 3 cracked Sonic the helldivers speedrunning the mission in like 8 minutes with 50 kills between them, no samples, and aggroing everything on the map so me in heavy armor wpuld arrive right as every enemy was angriest.
This how Raiding with Minigun will look like : r/playrust - Reddit
2024年3月29日 · I agree, I wanted one for backpack but the minigun would absolutely need it. Two speed nerfs actually. Slowed while wearing and slowed even more while winding up. Should probably also have an overheat timer to where you can just permanently have it spinning while sitting at someone's front door. Imagine the horror being inside the base lmao.
[ FNV] Is there an Ammo backpack mod? : r/FalloutMods - Reddit
2024年1月5日 · I have got the canvas backpack mod but I run a power armor character and want an equippable Gatling laser ammo backpack. You know when you use a Gatling laser or minigun and you have the ammo backpack or battery on your back? Is there any mod or cut piece of clothing which lets me wear it without having the weapon equipped?
We need minigun + backpack. Please Arrowhead : r/Helldivers
Reasonable, we shouldn't waste resources, after all. So how about: LASER MINIGUN. Just get the boys in the lab to make a big LAS-16 Sickle that has like 20 barrels and fires from them in sequence, which doesn't eject shells, but thermal absorption cartridges to keep it cool, and you carry the battery on your back. Donezo. A cost effective minigun.
Frankly, a minigun with an ammo backpack would make for a
2024年2月27日 · Oh that would be a great balancing mechanic, if you're using it alone, you move slower and cannot dive. If your friend is carrying the backpack, you're able to move at normal speed, but are leashed to each other, making the Minigun a great defensive wave clearing weapon, but not so powerful that it makes both the Machine gun and Stalwart obsolete.
Give me a minigun support weapon with a ammo feeding backpack
2024年3月15日 · A disadvantage ofcourse would be that you lose the missiles. Than there is the stalwart, that with 1050rpm already comes very close to the feel of the minigun. So, maybe we add more rounds, like 3000 but no option for reloading it and it consumes ammo from a backpack. Maybe we walk even slower while shooting,
Can we get Old Minigun backpack, Gatling Laser battery ... - Reddit
I would also love if we could get the backpack attachments for the Fallout 3 Rock-it-Launcher (aka junk jet, aka garbage launcher) and/or the Shishkebab. I always gravitate towards the make shift, junk town jerky vendor lookin stuff.
M134 minigun backpack : r/H3VR - Reddit
2019年9月30日 · What if the Minigun had an available backpack, like the one that stores items. However, it has a belt that can attach to the minigun and contains 3 or 4000 rounds? Maybe it could even have a small gas generator attached to it that you need to start up like the chainsaw?
This just makes me want a minigun backpack strategem more.
2024年3月21日 · A subreddit dedicated to HELLDIVERS and HELLDIVERS 2, intense co-op shooters set in a satirical dystopian future where you play as one of mankind's elite soldiers determined to spread managed democracy.