What is productivity, and how do you measure it?
2016年7月12日 · Productivity, or lack of it, is a key issue for economies across the globe. Productivity is good for individuals, companies and countries, according to economists.
Can AI actually increase human productivity? | World Economic …
2023年5月16日 · However, productivity of cognitive labor is harder to measure. Statisticians who compile GDP and productivity statistics sometimes resort to valuing the output of cognitive activity simply by assuming it is proportional to the quantity of labor input being used to produce it, which of course eliminates any scope for productivity growth.
Does Remote Work Impacts Productivity - The World Economic …
2020年10月21日 · Mental health is a major factor impacting productivity for remote work. The report says: “Remote workers are faced with potential well-being and mental health challenges due to extensive changes to working practices as well as new areas of exclusion such as access to digital connectivity, living circumstances and the additional care responsibilities faced by …
These are the surprising benefits of a four-day working week
Back in 2019, Microsoft Japan introduced a four-day working week and reported a 40% boost in productivity. There were similar results from the global trials in 2022 with employees committing to cover 100% of their normal work in 80% of the time.
What drives productivity growth? | World Economic Forum
2015年5月15日 · The possibility that the most studied and discussed productivity concept might be flawed is discouraging at best, but perhaps the flaws Vollrath and Decker identify aren’t that large, which would be encouraging. But then economists would still have the task of understanding what actually drives the growth of total factor productivity.
Remote working - does it make us more or less productive?
2021年9月6日 · Getting back into the office might be the best thing for many people, their employers and for productivity, according to ADP Research, a US-based labour market analyst. Its report, On-site, Remote or Hybrid: Employee Sentiment on the Workplace , is based on data from 9,000 employees in the US and concludes that: “On the whole, employees ...
6 work and workplace trends to watch in 2024 | World Economic …
2024年2月6日 · Productivity boosts are expected in knowledge-heavy industries, including IT and digital communications, financial and professional services, medical and healthcare services, retail, manufacturing, engineering and construction, energy and logistics.
How to spark productivity growth in different economies
2021年8月3日 · This matters because productivity, or output per input, pays for higher wages and is the foundation of long-run prosperity. In that sense, it matters most in rich economies where higher productivity growth would allow political debates to shift from (re-)distributing a relatively stagnant economic pie to sharing a growing one.
Does working fewer hours make you more productive?
2016年3月4日 · It reveals that productivity is highest when people spend fewer hours working. The relationship between hours worked and productivity has interested economists for many years. But a new paper by John Pencavel of Stanford University, based on a set of data compiled during the First World War, may have the answers they have been searching for.
Boosting productivity is only the sideshow for AI: Transforming …
2024年1月9日 · Public attention has largely been on increasing productivity with accelerating outputs. But the real potential lies in the decision-making processes that precede that. Here, AI can augment what humans are capable of – taking them from average to great, making novices as proficient as experts – rather than rendering them obsolete.