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Sipuncula - Wikipedia
The Sipuncula or Sipunculida (common names sipunculid worms or peanut worms) is a class containing about 162 species of unsegmented marine annelid worms. Sipuncula was once considered a phylum, but was demoted to a class of Annelida, based on recent molecular work. Sipunculans vary in size but most … 展开
Sipuncula is a feminine variant of the now-obsolete genus name Sipunculus, itself a variant of the Latin siphunculus ("little tube"), a diminutive of sipho from Greek σίφων (síphōn, "tube, pipe").
The Swedish naturalist 展开Both asexual and sexual reproduction can be found in sipunculans, although asexual reproduction is uncommon and has only been observed in 展开
Because of their soft-bodied structure, fossils of sipunculans are extremely rare, and are only known from a few genera. Archaeogolfingia and Cambrosipunculus appear in the 展开
Sipunculans are worms ranging from 2 to 720 mm (0.1 to 28.3 in) in length, with most species being under 10 cm (4 in). The sipunculan body is divided into an unsegmented, bulbous … 展开
Most sipunculans are deposit feeders employing a number of different methods to obtain their foods. Those living in burrows extend their … 展开
CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 星虫动物门 - 百度百科
- 动物界下的一门
星虫动物门,星虫化石发现于中寒武纪。星虫动物门已知约320种,分为:2 纲 4 目 6 科 17 属:(1)革囊星虫纲(Phascolosomida) , 包 括 盾 管 星 虫 目(Aspidosi-phoniformes) 、 革囊星虫目(Phascolosomaformes);方 格 星 虫 纲 (Sipunculida) , 包 括 戈 芬 星 虫 目(G…
- 动物界下的一门
星虫动物门 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Sipuncula
New records and five new species of sipunculans (Sipuncula) from the central and northwestern Mexican Pacific. European Journal of Taxonomy. 925: 179-219. , available online at …
沙虫(学名:Sipuncula)是星虫动物门动物的统称,包括方格星虫纲、革囊星虫纲2纲,4目,6科,12属的39种动物。 沙虫又名海蚕沙、海蚕、沙肠子、海肠子、星虫。
星虫动物门(Sipuncula)所有蠕虫状海洋无脊椎动物的通称。 体细长,长数毫米至300毫米以上,常为纺锤形,不分节,具真体腔,两侧对称。 海产,底栖,钻在潮间带泥沙中或最深的海沟的软泥中,有些种生活在空螺壳、海绵的水管、珊瑚 …
Introduction to the Sipuncula, by UCMP
Sipuncula are marine worms with a twisted intestine and a retractable introvert. They are not well studied and their phylogenetic affinities are uncertain, but they may be related to molluscs or …
Marine Species Traits - Sipuncula - WoRMS
2025年2月5日 · New records and five new species of sipunculans (Sipuncula) from the central and northwestern Mexican Pacific. <em>European Journal of Taxonomy.</em> 925: 179-219., …
World Polychaeta Database - Sipuncula - World Register of Marine …
3 天之前 · Website and databases developed and hosted by VLIZ · Page generated 2025-02-16 GMT · contact: Geoff ReadVLIZ · Page generated 2025-02-16 GMT · contact: Geoff Read
Sipuncula - New World Encyclopedia
Sipuncula or Sipunculida is a phylum of bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented marine invertebrates, characterized by a worm-like body divided into a trunk and retractable introvert, typically with tentacles on the tip of the introvert.