Are "w/o", "w/", "b/c" common abbreviations in the US?
2013年5月30日 · I purposely didn't mention I/O & c/o in my previous comment as I was aware of those. In particular, c/o has been used as long as I can remember. But otherwise this suggests I was roughly correct. Of course, it doesn't indicate what the abbreviations meant (e.g. A/C - see prev. comment.) I suppose also that w/o would show up as both w/o & w/? –
writing style - What is the origin of shorthand for "with" -> "w ...
2023年1月18日 · Although its origin is contested, w/ has been used at least since the rise of the fast-food industry in the 1950s. As a form of shorthand to save time when writing down food orders, waiters replaced the words "with" and "without" with the abbreviations w/ and w/o .
Are W and Y vowels? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Further complicating things, w has both voiced and unvoiced qualities, a result of the evolution of the Latin alphabet to replace runic alphabets in Germanic languages. It also picked up other tricks; W in combination with H is usually unvoiced (though some dialects voice "wh" as if it were "w"), representing an unvoiced rounded lip alveolar ...
phonology - What is the use of "w" as Semi-vowel? - English …
2020年7月30日 · The function of the 'y' and 'w' in Yell and Well are not in any material sense different to the leading consonants in Tell, Sell, and Fell. The inclusion of 'y' as a semi-vowel in "cry" or "rhythm" is of course not controversial, but I think it's quite a stretch to go much further than that, when both letters are used as regular consonants.
Is there a common abbreviation for "with or without"? e.g. w/wo …
👉 Baskets come w/fries+slaw 👉 Naked dogs come w/o buns 👉 Fries and rings available w±o/salt. And so you order yourself up: 1 redhot basket w/rings 1 bratwurst basket w/kraut 1 naked polish w/chili 3 redhots w/o onions 1 knockwurst w/catsup
What does “w/” mean? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年4月2日 · 2 pieces toast w/ gravy. Is a shorter way of writing "Two pieces of toast with gravy." The B strings tuned w/ low E 7th fret harmonic-(6th string,7th fret). means "The B strings tuned with low E, 7th fret harmonic . . ." Edited to add: As Denis de Bernardy correctly notes in the comment below, w/o means the opposite: without.
technical - Usage of "w.r.t." in academic papers - English Language ...
When I see w.r.t. I interpret it as with respect to. Per ngrams for with respect to,with regard to,with reference to,With respect to,With regard to,With reference to, phrase with respect to occurs more often than either phrase you mentioned. –
Usage of the abbreviations "w/" and "w/o" in presentations
According to this discussion Are "w/o", "w/", "b/c" common abbreviations in the US? the meaning of these abbreviations is well known in English speaking countries. Recently, a colleague pointed out that these abbreviations do not look very professional …
pronunciation - Why is the 'w' silent in "sword"? - English …
2012年7月5日 · The W in two and sword is silent because of that reason (i.e. [t, s] [w] [back vowel]). Swore, sworn and swollen also lost their W's at one point due to the same reason, but were later on restored due to analogy 1 with swear and swell. Swear and swell hadn't lost their W's because they had front vowels after the W. [Trask's Historical Linguistics]
Why do some people say "v" as "w"? - English Language & Usage …
2014年11月13日 · The W in German is hard, not soft like a V. German has a /v/ too, which is pronounced exactly like in English. Consider the German word 'wieviel' (how much). The /w/ is hard but the /v/ is soft. Wasser is pronounced wahsser not vahsser. The /w/ is pronounced with the teeth on the bottom lip, so not with open mouth like the English /w/