Origen And The Early Doctrine Of Pre-mortal Existence Of Souls
2010年5月30日 · A large minority have chosen "Yes". Even among Lutherans, stongly committed by Luther to Traducianism that the soul and body are generated simultaneously at conception, nine of 24 have voted for preexistence. You seem to have omitted the strongest proof-text for preexistence, Eph. 1:3-5. God knew us before our world was created.
Colossians 1: Preexistence or Preeminence? - Christian Forums
2017年5月10日 · He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him...
The Doctrine of Pre-Existence - Christian Forums
2010年7月15日 · When Christ told Jeremiah that he knew him before he was born; to Jeremiah (believing in the pre-existence) this would have been understood to mean that they had some sort of relationship in the preexistence, Jeremiah would not of understood it to mean that Christ simply knew He was going to create him, that would have made no sense to him.
The Preexistence general discussion - Christian Forums
2005年1月1日 · Now, before we start, I want you to know that I do believe in the preexistence of Christ. I know he preexisted this earth and everything in it. So in a sense there was a preexistence but not as the LDS teach. The LDS's preexistence teaches that everyone preexisted this world. Now I have some new...
Origen And The Early Doctrine Of Pre-mortal Existence Of Souls
2015年3月8日 · Belief systems involving pre-existence too often devalue the natural world, seeing it as a prison or limitation of the soul, sometimes going so far as to declare all matter evil. I can't buy that. If there is a version of belief in preexistence that affirms the value of the body and the earth, and if there is evidence for it, I'd be open to it.
God's Word in the O.T. and N.T., Logos and Dabar - Christian Forums
2003年1月29日 · The idea of preexistence lies completely outside the Synoptic sphere of view. Nothing can show this more clearly than the narrative of the supernatural birth of Jesus. All that raises him above humanity - though it does not take away the pure humanity of his person - is to be referred only to the causality of the "pneuma hagion," which brought ...
42 Evidences of the True Church..... & the Story behind the 17 …
2004年3月4日 · Christ's church will espouse a pre-earth life, or a preexistence, such as that taught by the Orthodox Jews. Included in this teaching will be the doctrine of foreordination and not predestination. God the Father will be recognized as having created the individual spirits of all people. Genesis 1:26-31 Job 38:4-7 Ecclesiastes 12:7 John 17:5
What is Binitarianism? - Christian Forums
2017年10月5日 · I'm not an expert on early theology. But my impression is there wasn't in the early Church quite a binitarian theology in the formal sense of Trinitarian theology later. It appears to me that early theology dealt with the relationship of Father and Son in various ways, including the Logos speculation in John, and other types of preexistence.
What is the difference between Mormons and Jehovah's witness?
2011年12月24日 · What I find interesting about the LDS is their view of preexistence of souls and their proxy baptism. Whatever your opinions in this is, these are two very beautiful and very ancient views once held by ancient Christians. Origen believed in the prexistence of souls. They actually have more in common with mainstream Christianity then the JW's do.
Is John Mcarthur guilty of heresy? | Page 22 | Christian Forums
2023年6月29日 · It's not a loaded question; it's a very simple question: is St. Mary the mother of God or not, in your theology?