usage - Difference between 于是 and 所以 - Chinese Language …
2015年5月21日 · 于=from,是=这=here (the point). So 于是=from here (or conclude from the point). 所以 is not so straight forward. 以=according to/depend on/use something for some purpose/etc. 所 indicate something is passive. For example AAA所以BBB = BBB depends on AAA/BBB becomes what it is now is due to AAA. So clearly, 于是 is used to derive.
word choice - 所以,因此 and 于是 in context - Chinese Language …
2021年10月8日 · As I understand it, I should use 于是 only in narrative texts (which I scarcely write). Even more confusing was the second suggestion, which wanted the first 所以 changed to 因此,then 于是 changed to 所以, the second running directly counter to the advice in the linked post. Again I am utterly confused.
grammar - What is wrong with 于是 in 宝宝的口味跟成人的口味有 …
2022年2月20日 · 宝宝的口味跟成人的口味有着很大的差异,于是给宝宝烹调食物时一定要符合他的口味,做到色香味俱全,并且要经常花样翻新。 HSK6 H61218 Q.59 This is a HSK6 practice exam, 语病 ("faulty wording") question. Ref. changes 于是 to 所以, and my teacher also says ...
etymology - Glyph origin of 我 - How did 我's radicals 手 and 戈 …
2015年11月13日 · “我”这种奴隶社会杀人的凶器,到了战国时代,大抵被后起的更优良的凶器所淘汰;于是“我”字在汉唐以后便被普遍借用来作为第一人称使用,还是读作wǒ,字音至今不变。(先秦乃至汉唐以前,第一人称,是用“吾”“予”“余”等字来表示的。
What is "impart" meaning in some Chinese internet language?
2023年4月3日 · In Chinese internet languages, some English words appears. But the meaning is totally different from the original English meaning, just like the following 你不准参加impart 开impart怎么不带我啊 I wonder what ...
How to say "Next time" in the past tense?
2014年9月4日 · I'm a bit confused on how to use the expression "The next time" in chinese. I originally wrote (after going to Kigali for the first he realized there were no ethiopian restaurants) 于是, 他下次回基加利时, 就决定开这个餐厅。 But my friend told me that a better way of saying it is 他再次回基加利时
word choice - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
2023年5月5日 · 于是,一个哈欠诞生了 This is the only semantically appropriate option; 出生 usually has concrete animate referents, and is not generally used for events in this way, and especially not in a biological context (with its slightly more rigid 出生 - 诞生 distinction).
What does 天將降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志 mean?
2020年4月9日 · "天將降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志" seems to be a saying by 老子 or 孟子. Could someone provide a literal translation + what the saying means?
grammar - Asking for right answers for 中级 questions - Chinese …
2019年5月13日 · 一位先生来到一个工地看见三个建筑工人在干同样的活,于是他问其中的一位:“你在做什么?”那个工人回答道:“你没看到我在砌一块砖?”那位先生又问第二个工人:“你在忙什么?”他一脸不高兴地回答:“我在做一个窗户。
但是, 可是 and 不过 - how to know which one to use?
2014年7月13日 · Normally you can just use 但是. When you use them as "but/however", they are essentially the same. The only difference is the intensity of tone: 但是 is the strongest like "but", the other two are less strong, but still close to "but".