Why do all fermions have the same spin 1/2? - Physics Forums
2024年2月11日 · We are taught that all fermions have spin ##\frac{1}{2}##, short for spin angular momentum ##\frac{\hbar}{2}##, which can be added to the orbital angular momentum. Considering spin is a kind of angular momentum, it must be dependent on the mass (or moment of inertia) of the particle.
Semi-Dirac Fermions - Physics Forums
2024年12月13日 · Semi-Dirac fermions in a topological metal. Physical Review X, 14(4), 041057. These fermions have a linear dispersion relation in one direction but quadratic in the other two (thus some news articles saying that it has mass only along some axes). Of course now the speculation is if one can do the same in 2D materials and find some applications.
Why Can't Two Fermions Occupy the Same Quantum State?
2017年10月22日 · You can think of that very (very!) loosely as saying that no two identical fermions can occupy the same position. Since a quark and an electron are not identical particles, the exclusion principle has nothing to say (so far as I know) about their ability to merge. Also, the exclusion principle only applies to fermions.
Are fermions truly antisymmetric in their wave function? - Physics …
2013年7月9日 · So fermions don't necessarily have any spin until you go into relativistic quantum mechanics/anyonic systems. The fact that there is a connection between spin and bosons/fermions comes out of the spin statistics theorem, …
The difference between BOSONS and FERMIONS - Physics Forums
2008年4月16日 · In summary, bosons and fermions are both identical particles, but differ in their spin and behavior under the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Bosons can exist in the same quantum state, while fermions cannot. This leads to the phenomena of Bose condensation for bosons and Fermi-Dirac distribution for fermions at low temperatures.
Particle Physics Confusion: Understanding Fermions & Bosons
2009年1月6日 · Fermions and bosons are essential components of the Standard Model, which is the most widely accepted theory for explaining the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. The Standard Model describes how fermions and bosons interact with each other and how they make up the matter and energy in the universe.
Fermions in a one-dimensional harmonic potential - Physics Forums
2006年12月20日 · Two identical spin-1/2 fermions are placed in the one-dimensional harmonic potential V(x)=(1/2) m w^2 x^2, where m is the mass of the fermion and w its angular frequency. (1) Find the energies of the ground and first excited …
Fermions, Bosons, and nonidentical particles in a 1-d oscillator
2020年11月13日 · In a 1-d oscillator, fermions and bosons behave differently due to their different spin properties. Fermions follow the Pauli exclusion principle and cannot occupy the same quantum state, while bosons do not follow this rule and can occupy the same state. This leads to different energy levels and behavior for fermions and bosons in a 1-d ...
Is there an Expression for Entropy of Fermions or Bosons?
2018年6月25日 · How does the entropy of fermions or bosons relate to the second law of thermodynamics? The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system always increases or remains constant. In the case of fermions and bosons, the entropy is related to the number of available microstates, which increases with increasing temperature.
Identical fermions in a box - degenerate states - Physics Forums
2012年7月25日 · In summary, the ground state for two identical fermions in a 1D box is given by a specific wave function. The exclusion principle dictates that the \psi_{22} state is not allowed. However, because the particles are identical, the order of the subscripts does not matter, making \psi_{12} and \psi_{21} essentially the same state.