What differences are there between "annually", "yearly", and …
annually = once every year. yearly = once each year. and that neither can really replace "every year" as both words are limited by the number of occurrence. For example, I would say "Dengue outbreaks occurs every year during the raining season" instead of "Dengue outbreaks occurs annually / yearly" simply because Dengue does not happen only ...
Which is correct — "a year" or "an year"? [duplicate]
For the word 'year' to be preceded by 'an' it must sound like it's beginning with a vowel. The reason why it is a tad tricky is because of the difference in the way people pronounce it. Some people pronounce the word 'year' as 'ear' with 'y' silent, thereby wanting 'an' to precede and feeling discomfort with 'a'. e.g.
What's the difference between "a year", "per year" and "out of a …
7 months a year means 7 months for each/every year. "Per" in English is used to mean "for each". Therefore 7 months per year = 7 months for each year. 7 months out of a year just comes across as a clumsy way of saying it.
If annual means one year, is there any word for two,three, four.. year
2011年7月29日 · From WordWeb: Annual: Occurring or payable every year What is the corresponding single word for occurring every two year, three year, four year etc.
meaning - Difference between "per" and "a" - English Language
OED says " b. With adverbs of repetition (as once, twice, many times, oft a day); now classified as the indefinite article". So perhaps we can say that historically this usage of a was as a preposition, but that it is increasingly being analyzed as a determiner. –
1 year old vs. 1 year of age - is one of them the "correct" form?
2017年3月8日 · "1 year of age" is less likely than is "1 year old" to be interpreted as referring to something other than chronological age, and is likely to weather the evolution of language better. In normal conversation, though, "1 year old" would be the typical expression (with the possible exception of someone like a lawyer, for whom the use of precise ...
Year Division by Quarters: any terms to express halves of years or ...
2017年9月15日 · It is of course possible to find special terms, but they are not in frequent use. What is usually done is to specify a fraction of a year or a number of days, weeks, or months. One might say "a third of a year" or "four months." Fractions using sixths or twelfths are rare. Most would say "seven months" rather than "seven twelfths of a year."
expressions - Properly refer to the turn of the year - English …
2012年2月1日 · During a meeting I was explaining a problem that only occurs once year: when one year ends and new one begins. Specifically during the first few days of the new year. Unfortunately, I was lost for words to describe the phenomenon, and, in the midst of stuttering, uttered, "Well the problem only happens during year turning, umm, well when 2010 ...
Is there a prefix that indicates that an event recurs four times a year?
2014年8月23日 · More importantly, is there a resource or table somewhere that I can use in the future to construct prefixes for other intervals shorter than a year? Not really, because commonly used ones are often exceptions to rules. However, you now have a good set: Annually (and the multiplicators) Bianually; Quarterly
Are there any words I can use to disambiguate "biweekly"?
2011年12月5日 · We have two words for events occurring in periods of years - biannual meaning twice a year, and biennial meaning once every two years. However, my colleagues talk about having meetings biweekly. This causes a lot of confusion, since it can mean either once every two weeks or twice a week.