Perineal PAIN! TVH w/A&P | HysterSisters - HysterSisters …
2008年11月12日 · Everything in my perineal area was very sore, swollen and irritated for quite some time - AND I had a day of blood in my urine due to the catheter irritatating my bladder. Everything calmed down pretty quickly after the cath came out but I don't know if that was just a coincidence. Check with your Doc tomorrow, he'll know what's what.
Rectocele repair, extensive perineal repair and TVT sling
2013年12月2日 · I had Rectocele repair, extensive perineal repair and TVT sling two days ago. I had prepared for the worst but was hoping for the best following the op. It was day surgery and I was given paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain as well as a pill to help with bowel movements. I feel better than I was expecting to since the surgery.
4 days postop and happy! - HysterSisters Hysterectomy
Arnold Advincula, M.D. Columbia Ob/Gyn Midtown 51 West 51st St, 3rd FL New York NY 10019 (855) 75-OBGYN: Caren C Reaves, M.D.
Gas Pain - How long does it last after hysterectomy?
2016年1月13日 · HysterSisters.com is a massive online community with over 475,000 members and over 5 million posts. Our community is filled with women who have been through the Hysterectomy experience providing both advice and support …
post hysterectomy vaginal swelling | HysterSisters
2001年8月4日 · HysterSisters.com is a massive online community with over 475,000 members and over 5 million posts. Our community is filled with women who have been through the Hysterectomy experience providing both advice and support …
Decreased clitoral sensation and inability to orgasm after pelvic ...
2014年5月27日 · Hysterectomy HysterSisters > Hysterectomy Special Needs > Pelvic Floor and Bladder Issues: Decreased clitoral sensation and inability to orgasm after pelvic surgery and perineum repair
Vaginal itching after hysterectomy | HysterSisters
2014年4月4日 · HysterSisters.com is a massive online community with over 475,000 members and over 5 million posts. Our community is filled with women who have been through the Hysterectomy experience providing both advice and support …
Perineum Poop Issues | HysterSisters
2010年3月16日 · Perineum Poop Issues Pelvic Floor and Bladder Issues
Pelvic Washing and Cancer Cells - Hysterectomy Forum
Lori Warren, M.D. 3900 Kresge Way Suite 30 Louisville KY 40207 502-891-8700: Lauren Streicher, M.D. Gynecologic Specialists of Northwestern, S.C
Pre-Op Prepare for Hysterectomy - HysterSisters.com
Help for the Mister. The Hyster Sisters website was created for "women to women" online support for hysterectomy decisions and support providing articles for pre-op, post-op and hormone therapy along with live discussions within the forums of the site.