The differences between いきなり, [急]{きゅう}に and [突然]{とつ …
2014年1月3日 · 突然 is more formal, seen in writings often but still fine for colloquial use. Same as いきなり in meaning. 唐突 is the same as 突然 but used with human behavior, not inanimate objects, trains, astroids, etc. Example: 唐突なカミングアウト (unexpected and sudden coming out of a person about something).
word choice - What is the difference between 突然 and 忽然?
2017年10月13日 · But 突然 can also be used as a complement of a verb. 这雨下得太突然了。 Where you can only use ...
Nuances of: ふっと、ふと、ひょっこり、 どっと、 さっさ、不意 …
それは女の姿がその明るい電灯の光を突然遮ったためだった。(梶井基次郎「ある崖上の感情」青空文庫) It shall be noted that I think that 突然 is the most widely used suddenly-word and that it probably is misused a lot if you want to go hard-core on the definitions and origins of the words.
What does なんて mean in these sentences? - Japanese Language …
しかしおどろいたよ流河{りゅうが}。親睦{しんぼく}を深{ふか}める為{ため}に、突然{とつぜん}テニスなんて。[Note, Ryuuga is a character's name, the one he's speaking to here.] Later the same character, thinking to himself: アイツのこのテニスでプロファイルなんてするわけがない。
Help interpreting this sentence using 「あんまり」?
2021年3月26日 · あんまり突然【とつぜん】、あんまりスーッと現【あらわ】れたので、地面【じめん】から湧【わ】いて出【で】たかと思【おも】えるぐらいだった. This uses あまり in a positive way, and it emphasizes what happens in the first part, as the reason (that ので conjunction) for the second ...
meaning - What does カンベン mean here? - Japanese Language …
2023年11月20日 · 今俺がこの姿で吸い続けて元に戻った時、その辺どうなのかなって、突然肺がんとかカンベンなんだけど. I don't understand what カンベン means in this context. Its usual meaning of "forgive" does not make sense.
When to use 倒れる or 落ちる? - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
2016年4月3日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
grammar - Meaning of verb - とも限らない - Japanese Language ...
2021年11月18日 · 突然何かしらの問題が出るとも限らない。 I don’t think it does because it just means “some” and is not asking “what.” We might get a grammatical sentence by replacing 何かしら with 何, or by adding いつ. 突然何の問題が出るとも限らない。 いつ突然何かしらの問題が出るとも限らない。
What does "ふってきて mean in the sentence "これが、突然空か …
2021年11月7日 · 降って【ふって】きて is the te-form of 降る followed by the subsidiary verb (-て)くる in its te-form.
What is the difference between 变成、变化、变得、改变、转变?
2017年10月18日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.