word choice - Difference between 接受 and 接收 - Chinese …
The first one (接受 jiēshòu) seems far more general and frequent: 我接受邀请。 I accepted the invitation. 他将接受口试。 He will take an oral examination. 他拒绝接受治疗。 He refused treatment. The second one (接收 ji...
请问,"接受" 和 "接收" 区别有没有? | HiNative
例如: - 我无法接受这样的侮辱。(I can't accept such an insult.) 5. “接收”可以直接加数量词,“接受”不能。例如: - 他接收了100个邮件。(He received 100 emails.) - 我不能接收那么多信息。(I can't receive so much information.) |一般来说,接受:to accept, 接收:to receive|有区别。
"受到" 和 "得到" 和 "收到" 和 "接受" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
受到我得个人理解 受到 + 动词 (是他人给于并被动接受) 得到 + 动词 或 名词 (是他人给于,多数是因为你做的某件事或者某个决定引起的) 收到 + 名词 (他人给于,无法主动干预) 接受 + 动词,名词 (自己主动意愿)|受到 伤害(因为我那句话,他受到了伤害) 得到 赞扬,礼物(这是我今年得到的最高 …
grammar - Are 得到 and 接受 similar? - Chinese Language Stack …
2016年4月10日 · 接受 is more like accept, emphasize on the mental acceptance of something. It can be things related to moral, like 接受批评: I know I am wrong, and I accept the truth that I am wrong. However, 得到(或者 受到)批评 means: the action that I am being blamed by someone.
"承受" 和 "接受" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
一般都是承受各种不好的事情。 接受,例如接受某个任务,接受这个决定,接受这个人,接受你给我的薪水,接受某人的求婚,接受某个要求或请求。接受和要求是相对的,有要求才会有接受。我觉得和英文的accept是很相似的。的同义词
meaning - difference between 接到 and 收到 - Chinese Language …
2023年8月12日 · Can you give me as many as example sentences where I can use 接到 but not 收到 use 收到 but not 接到 use both 接到 and 收到, and their meanings are same use both 接到 and 收到, and their meanings are different? ...
What's difference between 受到 and 受?
2023年2月15日 · The difference between the two is "tense".受 - to receive/get/obtain. 受到 - have/has received/gotten/obtained.
What is the difference between 受 and 收? [duplicate]
They both can mean "to receive". It seems as if 受 has a more negative connotation than 收 but I'm 100% sure about the exact usage differences.
usage - Differentiating between 收 and 受 - Chinese Language …
2014年12月16日 · I guess that your doubt comes from distinguishing 接收 from 接受? In some sentenses these two words are almost the same, for example: 他接受了这份礼物。 他接收了这份礼物。 But I still feel that there is a tiny differece as I said above, 接收 puts more significance on the action of receiving.
"accept my request on WeChat!!" 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎么说?
请(plz)/快(come on)通过我在微信上的好友请求!!|在微信上接受我的好友申请 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 德语 意大利语 日语 韩语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) 俄语 中文 (简体) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁体,台湾) 土耳其语 越南语