translation - Difference between 常常 and 往往 - Chinese …
2020年5月2日 · However, 往往 can only live in the result, not in the condition: 如果你常常努力,你就会成功。-- 往往 is wrong. 如果你努力,那你往往会成功。-- Good. 常常 is also OK. 往往 focuses on the experience of previous observations, 常常 focuses on existing phenomena. This may not matter much depending on the context:
The word for "usually" in Mandarin - Chinese Language Stack …
Just like "usually, typically, normally and often" in English, "通常, 平日, 素来, 往往 and 常常" In Chinese have overlapping meanings but they all have subtle differences with each others. "通常" = usually /typically (emphasizes on normalcy)
What is the difference between 通常,经常,and 常常?
2012年1月30日 · 常常 simply means "often", and is not very formal. You wouldn't find it in legal documents and such. 经常 means "frequently" or "regularly".
grammar - What are the answers to the HSK6 语病 ("faulty …
2022年2月18日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
How to say: Things are not as simple as they seem
2023年1月23日 · 事情*Things)往往(often)不像(are not like)看起来(as it looks)那么简单(as simple) -- Things are often not as simple as it seems. (We usually ignore the like in the sentence as it means the exact same as the above.)
What is the difference between 遭受 and 遭到?
2024年11月12日 · "遭受" and "遭到" have similar meanings, both indicating the experience of something negative. However, in usage, "遭受" is generally applied to a state or condition, such as in phrases like "遭受不幸" (suffer misfortune), "遭受损失" (suffer loss), or "遭受失 …
grammar - What does 好 mean in this context? - Chinese …
In the following phrase, what does 好 mean in this context? Traditional: 我們 人人 天生 都 不完美,每 逢 想 做 對 的 事,內心 往往 要 經歷 好 一 番 掙扎,而且 都 會 說 錯 話 做 錯 事 Simplified: 我们 人人 天生 都 不完美,每 逢 想 做 对 的 事,内心 往往 要 ...
What are the differences between 效果 and 效应?
2020年7月29日 · 效果: result; effect. 效应: effect . 1.虽然学校采取了一些措施,但是没有什么效果. 2.虽然学校采取了一些措施,但是没有什么效应.
grammar - Difference between 忘 and 忘记 - Chinese Language …
see dictionaries (esp. examples): 忘记 forget disremember 忘记;忽略 lose sight of 忘:忘却。忘怀。忘我。忘情。忘乎所以, showing 忘 only occurs in a limited number of fixed (time-honored) expressions, including 成语。
grammar - Differences between 正在, 正 and 在 with the meaning …
2014年5月4日 · 正 in itself has many meanings, one of which is "just", and thus can be used in conjunction with 在. 正在 is what you are doing at this very moment, or where you are right now, or in general what is currently present, the progressive aspect (the English -ing form) if you will.