1 Pollen Biotechnology of Crop Plants Group, Biological Research Center, CIB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain 2 Department of Genetics, Physiology and Microbiology, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain ...
In this study, the authors use the zebrafish to investigate how the microbiome affects a specialized gut cell called the lysosome rich enterocyte. They use a combination of functional assays for ...
在良性肾脏肿瘤的小众群体中,肾嗜酸细胞瘤(Renal oncocytoma,RO)并不常见,而嗜酸性空泡状肿瘤(Eosinophilic vacuolated tumor,EVT)作为 RO 的独特亚型,更是罕见。2018 年,He 等人首次描述了这种肿瘤,因其主要由具有高级别细胞核和空泡状细胞质的嗜酸性粒细胞 ...
This valuable study presents data suggesting the critical roles of two ancient proteins, XAP5 and XAP5L, in regulating the transcriptional program of ciliogenesis during mouse spermatogenesis. The ...