Meera Jain, founder of Times Evoke, emphasizes the urgent need for business leaders to redirect their resources towards ...
“The play, being not true, must be in desperate pursuit of truth.” That’s Shakespeare. More accurately … that’s Shakespearean ...
They should land me in court if untrue.” “Truth and untruth is in the eyes of the beholder.” “Oh I thought it was beauty.” “In the Land of the Pure the beauty of truth or the beauty of ...
Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane has denied in an official reply to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature that her office had any involvement in the award without tender of a R30 million project to ...
n Klompie videos with individuals claiming to have inside knowledge of this looming development went viral. But that dose of untruth was showed up as not having a shred certainty to it? The Basic ...
Deputy Principal District Judge Luke Tan, who on Feb 17 found WP chief Pritam Singh guilty of lying to the Committee of Privileges, said that Singh and WP chair Sylvia Lim also kept this knowledge ...
"Without saying so explicitly, the accused's guidance was that Ms Khan would not suffer the dire consequences of being hauled before the COP if she were to not clarify the untruth." Judge Tan said ...
Singh went on trial for two charges relating to what he told the COP, which was set up to look into former WP Member of Parliament (MP) Raeesah Khan and her untruth in parliament. On Feb.
The meetings had to do with an untruth that Ms Khan told in Parliament on Aug 3 that year. Here are the key points from the judgment: 1. ‘Take it to the grave’ claim well backed by evidence Ju ...
On the first day of the trial, the prosecution in its opening statement said that Singh had lied to the Committee of Privileges (COP) about what he wanted Raeesah to do regarding the untruth when ...
He has pleaded not guilty. “The accused proceeded to mislead the committee of privileges by giving false evidence about what he wanted Ms. Khan to do in relation to the untruth she had spoken in ...