Britt was the first female wrestler signed to AEW and was one of the pillars of the company during its initial years. She ...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a group of Virginia drivers challenging a state motor vehicle law was not entitled to reimbursement of their attorney’s fees even though a federal district cour ...
This study presents useful findings on the differences between male and hermaphrodite C. elegans connectomes and how they may result in changes in locomotory behavioural outputs. However, the study ...
The application leverages existing clinical data for Uzedy along with prior FDA findings on the safety of Udezy in patients ...
The new zoning rules, applied to three areas of Petaluma’s downtown, allow taller and denser developments going forward.
Whether it’s a brisk walk, some stretching, or a few bodyweight exercises, 10-minute sessions can help activate muscles, ...
Ainebyona, R. , Nasirumbi, S. , Agea, J. , Karubanga, G. and Mugisha, J. (2025) The Attitude of Smallholder Farmers towards Uptake of Potato Crop Intensification Innovations in Southwestern Uganda.
The 36 winners of the annual Student Research Achievement Awards (SRAA) were recognized at the 69th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony on February 17, 2025. These students were ...
University of California, Los Angeles, researchers have identified neural mechanisms behind prosocial behaviors in mice ...
One area of public service in which the presence of collaboration, transparency, and accountability is taking on increasing importance is, most probably, political leadership.
This important study characterizes and validates a new activity marker - fast labelling of engram neurons (FLEN) - which is transiently active and driven by cFos, allowing the monitoring of intrinsic ...