The group turned out to be Shower Toga founder Kressa Peterson's husband and two kids, who were wearing the togas she designed to be used for changing, showering and redressing. The unisex togas ...
WrestleMania 9 is infamous for a couple reasons: the announcers in togas, and Hulk Hogan bum-rushing his way into an ...
While wearing clasps has been in style since ancient Greece (brooches that fastened to togas were the mode du jour), the humble safety pin made its way into the fashion zeitgeist thanks to the ...
Equestrian togas had a narrow purple stripe (clavus augustus). Roman society also involved a system of patronage. Members of the upper classes – the patroni – offered protection to freedmen or ...
During the lecture, exhibition author and curator Viktorija Žuvela will explore the styles and influences behind ceremonial ...