美国股市星期一(3月3日)相对平静,在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)设定的最新关税期限之前,各股指涨跌互现。
第 97 届 Oscars 奥斯卡 2025 完整得奖名单正式公开, Sean Baker 执导新作《 阿诺拉 ANORA 》继夺得第 77 届戛纳影展最高荣誉金棕榈奖之后,今日成功在奥斯卡横扫 5 项大奖,成为最大赢家。
In week 8, the global avocado market saw an increase in volumes shipped to the United States and Europe, along with a rise in prices, according to the latest Avobook report.
In Bigfork, Montana, three of the top smiths at the New Agrarian School will be tested like never before. After two gruelling challenges only one will remain standing.
在标普500指数表现疲软的一天,铀矿巨头Cameco(CCJ )的股价却保持坚挺,在周四美国东部时间下午1点交易中最高上涨了4.9%。
The micro-short drama industry in China is growing fast, with a 34.90% market size increase in 2024. While quality has improved, issues like repetitive plots and overused "thrilling moments" remain. R ...
华尔街日报 (The Wall Street Journal)根据中国国家统计局周三公布的数据计算得出,1月份,政府调查的70个大中城市新建住宅平均价格环比下降0.07%,去年12月份的环比降幅为0.08%。