Dibrugarh: Two abandoned infant Asiatic black bear cubs were rescued on Thursday morning from near a border outpost adjacent ...
Bears are large and dangerous predators that most people expect to encounter in the mountains or the plains of North America. However, what if we told you that two lookalikes with similar names were ...
Polar bears are one of the largest mammals on land; only the African elephant can tower over the polar bear in this corner of the animal kingdom. But how do you measure the biggest bear? By height or ...
Education and awareness programs are pivotal in engaging local communities and visitors in conserving this adorable bamboo eater. The Asiatic Black Bear, also known scientifically as Ursus Thibetanus, ...
黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)是食肉目熊科熊属的动物,也称亚洲黑熊。黑熊分布较广,遍布于东亚、北亚及西亚、南亚、东南亚的高海拔地区,主要的国家有印度、尼泊尔、日本、朝鲜、中南半岛、阿富汗、俄罗斯及中国。在《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录 ...
亚洲黑熊在大自然中咆哮。图片来自《简报》 亚洲黑熊,学名 Ursus Thibetanus,体型强大,是标志性动物,生活在中国的森林中。这些熊胸前有独特的 V 形白色或乳白色斑纹,因此被称为“月熊”。它们主要栖息在山区,食物广泛,包括水果、昆虫和小型哺乳动物。
Bears are large, furred mammals belonging to the Ursidae family. There are eight species of bears in the world, each with its own subspecies. Six of these species are classified as under threat in ...