Though his forebears were spared from the worst of the Holocaust, they still had a front-row seat to the gradual rise of the ...
Gal Gadot's family and upbringing had a big impact on her life and helped her become the strong actress who played Wonder ...
Bristol Community College has a new exhibit honoring 1.5 million child victims of the Nazis, with plans for a permanent memorial. Take a look.
Holocaust survivor, Peter Feigl, will share his experiences of life in Nazi Germany at Viterbo University Wednesday evening.
In bringing in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum traveling exhibit, staff at the Minnesota State University ...
Here There Are Blueberries' tells the story of an album of historical photos documenting the lives of ordinary Germans who ...
Holocaust survivor, Peter Feigl, shared his experiences of life in Nazi Germany with an audience Viterbo University Tuesday ...
Holocaust Museum LA, in partnership with The Ebell of Los Angeles, will present a performance of the inspiring musical 'Vilna ...
Historical Background Auschwitz, located in Poland, stands as a chilling testament to one of humanity's darkest chapters.
The Western Region Tribute Dinner will honor Dr. Anita Friedman and David Wiener, a Holocaust survivor, with the Museum's ...
Elon Musk is under fire for sharing a post that claims public workers, not Adolf Hitler, killed millions of people in the Nazis' Holocaust.
Lior Geller's real-life drama tells the story of prisoners who escape from a Nazi death camp and provide the first eyewitness ...