Recent advances in synaptic proteome approaches, such as fluorescence-activated synaptosome sorting (FASS) and proximity labeling, have allowed for a detailed and spatial analysis of many ...
also called synaptobrevin), syntaxin and synaptosome-associated protein of relative molecular mass 25,000 (SNAP-25)) are the precise and select targets of the clostridial botulinum and tetanus ...
在微观的细胞世界里,细菌与人体免疫系统时刻都在上演着一场激烈的 “战争”。胞内细菌病原体十分狡猾,它们能躲避免疫系统的监视,偷偷藏在宿主细胞内疯狂繁殖,引发各种疾病,对公众健康构成了严重威胁。巨噬细胞作为免疫系统的 “卫士”,会启动多种免疫反应来对抗入侵的病原体,其中细胞自噬(xenophagy)是巨噬细胞抑制胞内病原体存活的重要机制。在细胞自噬过程中,自噬体就像一个 ...
Lactylation, a newly discovered protein posttranslational modification (PTM) in 2019, primarily occurs on lysine residues. Lactylation of histones was initially identified, and subsequent studies have ...