在几个世纪前神学思想统治社会,罗马教廷为了加强上帝在人类心中的权威,用当时最流行的数学公式推导,最终得出了上帝是万能的这个结论,面对这个悖论,一位智者提出了一个问题:万能的上帝能够创造出一块他自己都无法撼动的石头吗?如果说上帝能够创造出一块他自己都搬 ...
The secret annex – one of the most famous dwellings in history, thanks to Frank’s best-selling published diary – can now be explored remotely in New York.
We get whole passages of absorbing dialogue, soliloquized observations, some stage direction and plenty of tense, claustrophobic scenes. And like some plays, the set is itself a character.