在科技日新月异的当下,每一次技术的飞跃都为未来生活描绘出更加绚烂的图景。三星,作为科技领域的领航者,近期以创新的滑动式技术,震撼发布了三款可滑动OLED屏幕设备原型——Slidable Flex Duet、Slidable Flex ...
今年以来,三星凭借创新滑动式技术,推出Slidable Flex Duet、Slidable Flex Solo和Slidable Flex Vertical等三款可滑动OLED ...
在科技日新月异的当下,技术的每一次飞跃都为我们的日常生活描绘出更加丰富多彩的蓝图。今年,三星凭借其在显示技术领域的深厚底蕴与创新精神,推出了三款令人瞩目的可滑动OLED屏幕设备原型——Slidable Flex Duet、Slidable Flex ...
Samsung Display`s Senior Vice-President Kwon-Young Choi confirmed that the company`s first rollable and slidable displays are coming this year. It is expected that Samsung`s mobile division will be ...
Slidable Flex Solo则是一款13英寸的屏幕,通过滑动可以扩展至17.3英寸,适用于笔记本电脑‌。值得一提的是,联想在这次的CES 2025上发布了全球首款 ...
At CES 2023, which is taking place right now in Las Vegas, the Korean tech giant has taken things up a notch, unveiling its new 'Flex' OLED displays which add slidable screen technology to the mix.
Seoul, South Korean tech giant Samsung has confirmed that it is working on rollable and slidable screens. Samsung Display's Senior Vice-President Kwon-Young Choi confirmed that the company's first ...
The company also announced a 32-inch slidable OLED display, which should take care of entertainment of passengers in the rear seats. The display is hidden in the ceiling and can be extended downward.