Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
印度亿万富豪迪利普·桑哈维 (Dilip Shanghvi) 控股的太阳制药宣布达成协议,以3.55亿美元收购总部位于美国的免疫疗法和肿瘤治疗公司Checkpoint Therapeutics,以扩充自家公司的药物产品组合。
An immersive journey through the world of Vincent van Gogh and its unsolved mysteries, filmed on location at historical European sites and enriched by the voices of his Impressionist peers.
Practise your English listening skills with this story ...
LLM 在生成 long CoT 方面展现出惊人的能力,例如 o1 已能生成长度高达 100K tokens 的序列。然而,这也给 KV cache 的存储带来了严峻挑战。为应对这一难题,“hybrid model” ...
A Lebanese security source told Xinhua that, the airstrikes were conducted "within approximately 30 minutes, hitting forested ...
France officially transferred control of two military sites in the Senegalese capital of Dakar to Senegalese authorities on ...
想知道一片水域里有多少鱼,不用撒网捕捞,只需取一瓢水就能算出……上海海洋大学环境DNA技术与水生态健康评估工程中心李晨虹团队在国际知名期刊《分子生态资源》(Molecular Ecology and Resources)上发表了题为 “Estimation of Species Abundance Based on the Number of ...
Six significant archaeological sites in China were named the top new discoveries in 2024, announced on February 19, 2025 at ...