Welcome to Fraternity and Sorority Life! Fraternity and sorority membership provides opportunities for personal growth, intellectual development, and social connection throughout college and beyond.
Dr. Joe Paul, president of The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), has received the Service Member Patriot Award, ...
Bassoon study at USM is designed to prepare the bassoon student for a professional career in music performance and/or teaching. Proficient non-majors are also encouraged to participate and are ...
The students who make up the oboe studio at Southern Miss are enthusiastic and dedicated to their pursuit of musical excellence. We work hard in an atmosphere of creative pursuit of students' ...
There’s nothing stopping you from doing what you want. Become a leader in your field, change the world, or change one person’s life. Southern Miss can get you there.
A campus visit is a cornerstone of any college search, and the best way to get to know the Golden Eagle family is to visit. From our hospitality to the buildings and spaces you’ll walk through, you’ll ...
Through an extensive selection of outstanding degree and certificate programs and professional development opportunities, graduate students at The University of Southern Mississippi acquire the ...
The Southern Miss Symphony Orchestra is a study in international relations as students from across the globe come together for one purpose—music. It is one of the major ensembles and gems in the ...
Last day to make an add/drop course request or withdraw from the University and receive a grade of W Wednesday, October 1 Priority Advisement for spring Wednesday, October 1 Priority registration ...
Uncrewed vehicles are increasingly involved in routine, innovative, and emergency data collection in the marine environment yet few curricula exist worldwide which provide comprehensive instruction in ...
Tuition is charged per credit hour up to twelve (12) hours for undergraduates and is a flat rate for twelve (12) to nineteen (19) hours. Intersession hours count toward the flat rate hours. An ...