South Korean shipbuilder HD Hyundai Heavy Industries is planning to establish a shipyard in India to meet local demand. A ...
Last year, the port system of Valencia, consisting of the Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía airports, handled 80.67 million tons of goods, with a growth of +5.1% over 2023. In the container sector alone, ...
L’année dernière, le système portuaire de Valence, composé de la aéroports de Valence, Sagunto et Gandía, 80,67 millions de tonnes de marchandises, avec une croissance de +5,1 % sur 2023. Rien que ...
In 2024 the traffic of goods in the port of Ancona-Falconara Marittima remained stable having amounted to 9,517,903 tons of loads, with a slight increase of +0.3% on the previous year. The Port System ...
Le compagnie ferroviarie canadesi ed il mercato intermodale: un'amichevole rivalità? Se nel 1993 fosse stata scattata un'istantanea del settore intermodale canadese, se ne sarebbe ricavata la netta ...
La domanda di contenitori high-cube da 40 piedi da parte dei caricatori è ancora in aumento, il che comporta problemi di stivaggio per i vettori marittimi e difficoltà di analisi per coloro che fanno ...
The Italian Finsea has completed the purchase transaction of the Italian business branch of the Luxembourg steel group ArcelorMittal dedicated to the landing and logistics of products Finished.
Le groupe naval français CMA CGM a signé avec le Autorité générale syrienne des ports terrestres et maritimes, un nouveau contrat pour gérer le terminal à conteneurs du port de Lattaquié. Il l’a donné ...
In 2024, the Port of Long Beach registered its new historical record of freight traffic as well as the new record history of containerized traffic alone, which have reached new peaks higher than the ...
En 2024, le Un total de 41 363 navires, soit une augmentation de +6,1% sur l’année dont 9 669 pétroliers (+4,1%) et 31 694 autres types (+6,7 %). Parmi les types de navires comptant le plus grand ...