What is the objective of the Aoris International Fund C Hedged managed fund? The objective of the Aoris International Fund C Hedged managed fund is The Fund aims to achieve annualised returns in ...
What is the objective of the Schroder Real Return Fund - PC managed fund? The objective of the Schroder Real Return Fund - PC managed fund is To achieve a return of CPI plus 4% to 5% p.a. before fees ...
What is the objective of the SPDR S&P/ASX 200 Resources ETF managed fund? The objective of the SPDR S&P/ASX 200 Resources ETF managed fund is The Investment Manager aims to provide investment returns ...
The Fund's investment strategy is to: invest in office properties in CBD or established Australian office markets for the medium to long term and actively manage them to increase their value and ...
The Fund's approach to delivering returns and managing risk is through an active and risk aware investment process which invests in a diversified core portfolio of liquid investment grade credit ...