Tucson Jewish Museum & Holocaust Center is thrilled to announce a new initiative, the Rabbi Joseph H. Gumbiner Community Action Project. Inspired by the social activism of one of Tucson’s founding ...
Jeremy Kneller-Hernandez prepares Jewish food delicacies at St. Philip’s Plaza Market. There was excitement in Tucson’s Jewish community when Jeremy Kneller-Hernandez announced on social media that he ...
The Jewish History Museum will hold its seventh annual fall fundraiser next month, honoring Tucson’s Jewish mayors. Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, the current incumbent — and the city’s fifth Jewish mayor ...
There’s an optimistic spirit in downtown Tucson. Whether it’s about food, the music scene or the arrival of artisanal coffee, many Tucsonans say it’s about time, while business people rejoice.
As an adult community day program and part of the Handmaker Family of Services, SandRuby Community Programs has been providing care for adults, and respite for their caregivers, for many years. The ...
One of the explicit and implicit tenets of Judaism is that we are supposed to live our lives doing mitzvot, literally translated as “commandments” but informally known as “good deeds.” In addition to ...
Harry Bee, 88, died May 27, 2011. A virtuoso on his favorite musical instrument, the harmonica, Mr. Bee was the last remaining member of the Harmonicats and performed with many renowned musical ...
Evelyn Shirley Whitebook Pozez was “always gracious and grateful to people around her,” says Stuart Mellan, CEO and president of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona. “First and foremost, I’ll ...
Martin Harry Bacal, 84, died Feb. 14, 2017. Mr. Bacal was born in New York City but lived in Tucson since 1934. He was a graduate of Tucson High School and Columbia University. He was the longtime ...