Spinnaker Support (Spinnaker), trusted by companies worldwide to support their essential Oracle, SAP, and VMware software, today introduces Spinnaker Cloud Managed Services--a new offering that ...
atsec is thrilled to announce it is the first accredited conformity assessment body (CAB) for the new EU Common Criteria (EUCC) certification scheme. With this accreditation, atsec can provide ...
L’AFP est une agence d’information globale, assurant une couverture rapide, complète et vérifiée des événements de l’actualité comme des thèmes qui façonnent notre quotidien.
LEO Pharma A/S, a global leader in medical dermatology, today presented late-breaking data showcasing responses in a subgroup of patients from the DELTA 1 and 2 trials at the 83 rd American Academy of ...
As Taiwan marked the 78th anniversary of a 1947 massacre by nationalist troops, two photos were shared in posts that falsely ...
México não fechou fronteira com os EUA por conta de tarifas de Trump; vídeo mostra bloqueio momentâneo. Imagem. Publicado em ...
The ATEC Championship 2025, hosted by the Advanced Technology Exploration Community and co-organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, and Ant ...
Bogotá enfrentó varios días de lluvias que dejaron calles inundadas a mediados de marzo de 2025. Durante el fenómeno, un ...
Washington (AFP) | 14/03/2025 - 18:36:35 | EEUU y la ONU saludan acuerdo de paz entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán Xsolla, líder mundial en comercio de videojuegos, anuncia que participará en el congreso Game ...
Mark Gerardts será el nuevo director ejecutivo de Maxion Wheels, en sustitución de Klinkers. Gerardts, actual presidente de la Unidad de Negocio para Europa, Oriente Medio y África (EMEA), se ...
IFF (NYSE: IFF) announced that its Board of Directors has declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.40 per share of its common stock, payable on April 11, 2025 to shareholders of record as ...
At the DWC AI STR Forum (Digital World Conference: AI Safety, Trust, and Responsibility Forum) by The World Digital Technology Academy (WDTA) in Hong Kong, AlipayHK became one of the first global ...