Dubai: Egypt’s Ebtissam Zayed and UAE youngster Saeed Hassan hogged the limelight on the opening night of road cycling at the ...
Yeshiva TTL Queens recently had the honor of hosting the Menahel of The Rabbinical College of South Africa Rabbi Zevi ...
JERUSALEM: Bezeq Israel Telecom reported a 23% rise in fourth-quarter profit, citing a reversal of a provision it was ...
If crypto and blockchain technology is about anything, it is empowering the economically oppressed and marginalized. Satoshi ...
Detailed price information for Israeli Shekel/U.A.E. Dirham (ILSAED) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.
Bank of Israel policymakers are cautiously optimistic that inflation will ease later in 2025 in the wake of uncertainty ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will present a multi-billion-shekel development plan to advance the Druze and Circassian ...
The Bank of Israel released its preliminary design for the Digital Shekel System and is now actively seeking public feedback.
The Bank of Israel is inviting feedback on a newly-published high-level design for a potential digital shekel.
The central bank stressed that no decision has been made whether to issue a CBDC, therefore the design presented should only ...
Bank of Israel plans Digital Shekel to improve payments with faster transactions offline and better privacy while awaiting ...