On March 16, the Houston Rockets achieved a narrow victory over the Chicago Bulls, clinching the game with a score of 117-114 at home. This significant win marked the Rockets' sixth consecutive ...
This intelligent parrot waits faithfully by the window daily, rushing to greet his "brother" after school. The second he spots the boy, wings flutter wildly with joy at once!
伦敦 - Baronsmead Second Venture Trust PLC宣布延长其当前投资募集的申请截止日期。该公司于2025年1月10日发布了招股说明书,详述计划募集高达USD 3000万的资金,如果启用超额配售机制,总额可增加USD 2000万。
[提要]苏州本周小区均价跌幅排行榜出炉,快来看看你的房子升值了么? 免责声明:凡注明“来源:房天下”的所有文字图片等资料,版权均属房天下所有,转载请注明出处;文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议;文中所涉面积,如无特殊说明,均为建筑面积;文中出现的图片仅供参考,以售楼处实际情况为准。
For the second time in less than a week, a lunar lander has touched down on the moon's surface. Houston-based aerospace ...
IT之家2 月 23 日消息,中国台湾《经济日报》昨晚报道称,业界消息称台积电 2nm 制程月产今年底前有望达到 5 万片,甚至有机会迈上 8 万片。 台积电对此不予评论,仅强调 2nm 制程技术进展良好,将如期在今年下半年量产。 台积电董事长魏哲家之前曾透露,其 ...
A young woman embarks on a journey of self-discovery, working through a list of goals she wrote as a teenager, at the request of her late mother. As she navigates the messy process of her second comin ...
IT之家2 月 19 日消息,京东今日宣布,自 2025 年 3 月 1 日起,京东将逐步为京东外卖全职骑手缴纳五险一金,为兼职骑手提供意外险和健康医疗险。这一消息引发网友热议。 今日下午,美团官方发布消息,将为全职及稳定兼职骑手缴纳社保,积极构建和谐劳动 ...
洛夫顿赛后更新社媒,晒出了本场个人数据。 他配文:My boy Eb had a 30 ball second half.Haha they be fouling so much in CBA.They just be hacking(我的兄弟布莱德索在下半场拿了30+得分。哈哈CBA的犯规实在太多了,他们的动作很粗暴。) 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人 ...